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aephi alum 09-24-2015 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by tcsparky (Post 2358427)
His dad had a private room, and while Mr. TC was visiting, he needed to use the restroom, and asked his dad if it was OK for him to use the one in his room. It was fine by him, but his mother stated that no, she did not think that was appropriate, and told him that if he went in there, she would call hospital security and have him removed! He didn't speak to her for a month after that.

She's right in that bathrooms in patient rooms should only be used by the patient. At least, that was the policy at both the hospital and the rehab center where my mother stayed. There were restrooms available for visitors. But threatening to call hospital security?! That's totally over the top!

And trying to fix him up with someone else when he already has a long-term partner? Wow. She really is a piece of work.

ellebud 03-27-2016 03:28 PM

Waaay back in this thread I wrote about my in laws. They were bigots, racists...and the only people who were important were WASPs in society. My dil actually gave an interview about his affairs. (Yes, he was famous..ish). My mil was a horror.

When my parents died I didn't even receive a phone call from them.

I became a mil 2 years ago. DIL and I get along very well. I do not comment or give advice (not much anyway)unless asked. I help take care of their puppy when needed. We're good.

MIL died last week. No one is mourning.

FSUZeta 03-27-2016 04:12 PM

Good to see you ellebud. I bet you are a fab MIL!

ellebud 03-27-2016 04:30 PM

It's good to see you too! I think that we are doing well as a new and growing family. We sent the kids on their honeymoon...and they bought me a necklace as a thank you. It is gorgeous!!

When they gave it to me I opened the box and went to shock. It it beautiful...really gorgeous. I was speechless. And for me...different..the silence I mean. :)

DaffyKD 03-27-2016 07:44 PM

Hi Ellebud,

I'm going to be a MIL in September to the neatest young man. My mother was a PITA when I got married and still is toward my BIL. I have been very proud of myself that I'm here to help with the wedding when I can (it's in Boston and I'm on the other coast). I make it a point to not interfere with their life. I try to do the complete opposite of my mother who is driving my poor daughter nuts.

Congrats on your newish title!


ellebud 03-27-2016 09:25 PM

DaffyKD: Congratulations! My guess is that we are a part of the sorority: We met the enemy and she is the MIL. We pledge to be kind and loving to our in laws.

KillarneyRose 04-15-2016 01:21 PM

Just finished a binge re-read of this thread; very entertaining! I'd like to think I'll be a good MIL one of these days (but no time soon) :)

ellebud 01-22-2017 10:39 PM

I'm still the MIL. And things are going fine. There is a bit of...oversight on their part. They rescued a sweet dog...small. They forgot that they would be working long hours and they have a puppy with SEVERE separation anxiety. So...he comes 5 times a week to play. He is a sweetheart and doesn't object to our puppy putting his head in her mouth.

Our families have melded but we are VERY different. But I don't want to repeat the last generation so we talk...and attend each others' events.

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