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speedsters 04-16-2008 04:37 AM

my favourite part of the ZTA creed is:

to learn those things that will ever enrich and enoble our lives

everything we do somehow makes an impact on ourselves and others, and i try to make decisions that will enrich my life and make it better.
i also love the last line, - remembering always that the foundation precept of Zeta Tau Alpha was Love, "the greatest of all things"

since college i have keet a copy of the creed in the back of my planner, and it is nice to see it and remind yourself of it once in a while.

SWTXBelle 04-16-2008 07:46 AM

Thank you, everyone for sharing - these are really very inspirational. Isn't it great the way our founders were able to enunciate these precepts in such a way that decades later they still speak to us?

MysticCat 04-16-2008 09:10 AM

I've noted this on GC before, but Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia does not have an official creed as such. However, the quote shown below is familiar to all Sinfonians -- learned by probationary members (pledges), quoted by brothers, used in various publications and other contexts (including signatures in forums like GC) so I guess it could be considered an unofficial creed or statement of our standards and goals. It came to us as the closing paragraph in a letter to the Brotherhood from Ossian E. Mills, "Father of Sinfonia" and Honorary Grand Supreme President for Life, in the 1912 FMA Annual. Many of us find it be a very meaningful standard, truly words to live by.

This it is to be a man of the highest type. To be and not seem; to do and not simply to talk; to have the right ideal, the true motive and patiently to transform conduct in accordance with it. So let it be for Sinfonia!

MaggieXi 04-16-2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by flirt5721 (Post 1635034)
Symphony of Alpha Xi Delt

These things, do we earnestly desire:

A clear vision of life,
That with gracious and kindly hearts,
We may share both joy and sorrow,
And bring into living reality,
The sisterhood of women.

An appreciation of real merit and worth,
Steadfastness of soul,
That without bitterness or defeat,
We may encounter misfortune,
And with humility meet success.

These things, O Lord,
Help us to instill within our hearts,
That we may grow in
Courage, Graciousness and Peace

I've always loved the parts in bold!

gwen1982 04-16-2008 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by SWTXBelle (Post 1634708)
I've always thought the compass was a great symbol.

It's my favorite of our symbols and insignia, aside from our badge, of course.

gwen1982 04-16-2008 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by AnatraAmore (Post 1635253)
Truth to God and truth to self
Honor valued over wealth

Honor valued over wealth is my second favorite part. Always reminded me of something my great-grandmother would tell us over and over... "You can be rich as Rockefeller, but if your word is worthless, you're the poorest of paupers."

bejazd 04-16-2008 12:42 PM

Love, Labor, Learning and Loyalty

I promise this day to live, a simple, sincere and serene life;
repelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement,
impurity, self-seeking; cultivating cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity and the habit of holy silence; exercising economy in expenditure, generosity in giving, carefulness in conversation, diligence in appointed service, fidelity in every trust and a child-like faith in God.

Katmandu 04-16-2008 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by SWTXBelle (Post 1635308)
these are really very inspirational. Isn't it great the way our founders were able to enunciate these precepts in such a way that decades later they still speak to us?

SWTXBelle, I agree. Maybe we have become so used to business like mission statements, shallow slogans designed to sell something, and techno-jargon passing for literature that we are somewhat starved for the evocative wording and unashamed sentiment found in our mottos, creeds, symbols and symphonies.

I originally registered on GC to become "up to date" when I joined a chapter advisory board. I stay because it is both fascinating and inspirational to learn about the different organizations. This is an interesting thread.

DEVODUDE 04-16-2008 02:12 PM

ZBT mission statement......"To foster and develop in its membership the tenets of its Credo: Intellectual Awareness, Social Responsibility, Integrity and Brotherly-Love in order to cultivate Leadsership and Service within their communites."

ZBT: Inspiring Todays College Men to Become Leaders Of Tomorrow."

Kevin 04-16-2008 02:13 PM

The Creed of Sigma Nu

by Walter James Sears

TO BELIEVE IN THE LIFE OF LOVE; to win in the fresh morning of our youth the loyal love of faithful friends, who will go with us unmmoved into the darkening shadows of life's closing day; and so to seek and to find, to have and to hold the friendships that will abide. To think of God as the common father of all men, and all men as a common brotherhood, thus recognizing the continuity of the Divine and the solidarity of the human life. To build somewhere in the wide world the sheltering walls of a home, however humble and obscure, where Love shall glorify the wife, Duty enshrine the mother, and Affection ennoble the child. To keep green the sainted memory of our loved and lost, their faults forgotten, their virtues enshrined in our hearts forever. To try bravely to do unto our fellowmen as we would they should do unto us, reckoning not their lineage nor their wealth, but esteeming their manhood above their badge of rank. To let our lives be led by the spirits of Gentleness, Justice, and Mercy. And so to be true to the Knighthood of Love.

TO WALK IN THE WAY OF HONOR; to exalt the fundamental virtues of the race; and, prizing every noble impulse, to realize so deeply the baseness of deceit, that no obligation will be more binding than our plighted word. To be steadfast in the performance of every trust, and, spurning the gaudy gifts of greed and power, to be content to live by our knightly vow that our honor is dearer to us than our lives; and so to esteem the man's character first, his culture second, and his pedigree not at all, unless he be worthy of it. Emulating the chivalrous deeds of courtesy, and sealing not our hearts against the torch of tenderness, to win the love and care of some incorruptible woman. And so to be loyal to the Knighthood of Honor.

TO SERVE IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH; to open wide, Life's windows to the revelations of heaven and earth. Avoiding the Phariseeism that belittles the soul and scorning the bigotry that blights the mind, to respect every altar of faith built in God's name, by every sincere worshiper to whom, if we cannot give our sympathy, we shall not deny the kindness of our manly silence; and, whatever our creed, to reverence the Christ as the Divine Compassion for struggling humanity -- a compassion that, giving the world its gospel of human service, saves men to the end that they may serve their fellowmen.

To seek in nature, the meaning of the Infinite Truth; to understand that the laws of growth are the laws of God to believe that the melody of birds, the laughter of children the unmeasured sacrifice of motherhood, and the ceaseless yearning of all men for a wider outlook and a nobler existence are prophetic of the perfect joy and love of another world and so believing, to find rest, as in the shadow of a great rock, against all the storms that beset us; catching from the silence of the starlit nights, the peace of the autumn days, the solemnity of the boundless seas, that spirit of Hope and Faith which soothes hurt of grief, heals the wound of wrong, and calms the fever of doubt.

To welcome the achievements of art and science, religion and learning, labor and law, under whose radiant banners battle the hosts of progress; honoring every honest student as the benefactor of his race, and every consecrated school as a bulwark of the Republic; and so to be loyal to the American university, as the home of American liberty, democracy, religion, and culture.

To guard with jealous care not only ancient rights of human freedom, in whose name we shall destroy all wrong and oppression, but also the newer rights of social service, the ultimate purpose of whose ministrations shall be to give to every life, the opportunity to enjoy the earth in the fullness of its beauty and grace, its comfort and good cheer; holding fast to the conviction that whatever sweetens our natures, uplifts our ideals, strengthens our character and disenthralls our spirits will bring us in the end into the full stature of a noble manhood; and, so inspired, to cling to the visions of our youth, and, despite the sordid struggles of the selfish world, to practice every day, as lads in college, and men in the world, the Faith of our Fraternity, thinking of it not only as the inspiring Ideal of a militant Brotherhood, but also as a creative force for the spiritual development of men, whose lives it shall dedicate to Love, glorify with Honor, and conquer for Truth. And so to be faithful to the Knighthood of Truth.

This is the Life, the Way, and the Light of Sigma Nu - This is the Creed of our Fraternity

-- eerily similar to Phi Mu's creed, isn't it?

TSteven 04-16-2008 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by LaneSig (Post 1634832)
I like our Creed, the Jordan Standard, etc., but I truly appreciate the Spirit of Sigma Chi. It's hard to live up to it, but it is a worthy goal.

The Spirit of Sigma Chi
The Spirit of Sigma Chi, as conceived by the Founders more than 150 years ago yet visible and alive today, is based on the theory that...

...Friendship among members, sharing a common belief in an ideal,...

...and possessing different temperaments, talents, and convictions... superior to friendship among members having the same temperaments, talents, and convictions; and that...

...Genuine friendship can be maintained without surrendering the principle of individuality or sacrificing one's personal judgment.

The Spirit of Sigma Chi was written by the Fraternity to honor and pay homage to the beliefs of Franklin Howard Scobey who believed strongly in the ideal that friendship among members of different temperaments, talents and convictions is superior to friendship among those who are all similar.


Originally Posted by bellwisdom (Post 1634912)
I love the spirit as well my brother :)


Musicwalksuhome 04-16-2008 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin (Post 1635501)
The Creed of Sigma Nu
This is the Life, the Way, and the Light of Sigma Nu - This is the Creed of our Fraternity

-- eerily similar to Phi Mu's creed, isn't it?

Yeah it is. Love, honor and truth are good ideals to live your life by :)

BabyPiNK_FL 04-16-2008 10:37 PM

Yes, our creeds are so similar. I'm trying to figure out how since it's obviously more than just a coincidence, but I haven't been able to get my hands on some history books to see. Honestly, our creed is basically word for word in some places. The pic. of the woman who wrote it is featured on our website if you click on the news article about a past president's death and scroll down.

AGDLynn 04-16-2008 10:53 PM

Another part of the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose
( I kept looking at the entire Purpose and couldn't decide so I decided to choose this one because it is at the beginning of what Alpha Gamma Delta means to me..

To gain understanding that wisdom may be vouchsafed to me....

SalukiPhiSig 04-17-2008 02:40 AM

The Phi Sigma Kappa Creed

In the firm conviction that my Fraternity demands
of me a life of Faith and Purpose

I hereby solemnly declare My Faith in the wisdom
and love of God; in the dignity and worth of my
fellowmen; in the strength and beauty of true Fraternity;
in the history and future of my Country; and
in the traditions and program of my Alma Mater.

Henceforward, therefore, it shall be My Purpose to
remain forever true to this, my fraternity's faith in
me and in turn to preserve and promote courageously
and unselfishly the chosen ideals of our mutual affection
and common endeavor.

To this end I dedicate My Life to the maintenance of
this Faith and the pursuit of this Purpose so that
the ideals of Phi Sigma Kappa, being embodied in
me, may be fulfilled in my Character and Conduct,
and be known and honored by all men.

By these things I stand.

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