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EEKappa 03-03-2008 02:30 PM

This doesn't even come close to Honeychile's, but here goes:

The groom's friends and family traveled from New Hampshire to Louisiana to attend our August wedding. Yes, it is the hottest time of the year to be in the South, but the groom's little brother was in college at the time, and we planned it before he went off to school. The groomsmen were thrilled to have side trips to Bourbon Street before and after the wedding.

At the reception after the 1:30 wedding we had really good heavy hors d'ouevres and lots of them, and open bar . Well, the groom's entourage, unfamiliar with this Southern wedding format, expected a sit down meal and didn't eat lunch beforehand. In the photographer's candid shots, the groomsmen have little cocktail plates piled up with cocktail shrimp. The club ran out of the shrimp after replenishing twice.

When it was time to throw the bouquet, the two female friends in the groom's entourage were in the front. The one who caught it was wearing a cute strapless dress. When she reached up, the dress stayed down. So, we don't have those photos in our album.

honeychile 03-03-2008 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Jill1228 (Post 1611467)
My sentiments exactly. My FUBARs were minor in comparison

You'll love this, then: I showed my mother my post, and she immediately came up with at least eight other things that went very, very wrong! It was good for a laugh... :D

sageofages 03-03-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by honeychile (Post 1611533)
You'll love this, then: I showed my mother my post, and she immediately came up with at least eight other things that went very, very wrong! It was good for a laugh... :D

Oh I think I could use another laugh (or eight)! Spill it Honeychile!

SthrnZeta 03-03-2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Benzgirl (Post 1611006)
Was I at this wedding? Seriously. One of my friends married a few years back and the entire wedding party showed up drunk to the church (at 4:00) , including the bride and groom.

The women all started drinking at 10am when they went to have their hair and makeup done. I don't know when the guys started, but the formal pictures are hysterical. They look like they were at a Fraternity Party (loose ties, disheveled tux).

When the reception ended at midnight, the groomsmen and the bridesmaids had all passed out. Leave it to my friend, the bride, and her hubby to close down the bar, doing shots.

I took them to the airport the Monday after, and they admitted to both getting sick on their wedding night.

The only things that I can say that went wrong (that I can remember) was the bride's bouquet breaking in the church and the bride getting into an argument with the photographer. The best thing I remember were the rumors circulating about the bride's aunt being the "date" of the Catholic priest.

That's awesome!!! LMAO :D THAT is why I will not be drinking all day before my early evening wedding... tempted though I may be ;)

KSUViolet06 03-03-2008 05:57 PM

At a friend's wedding back in September, a guest who was sitting in the balcony of the church had his camcorder sitting on the balcony railing in front of him.

It slipped somehow and FELL down into the aisle and shattered into tons of pieces that went flying everywhere. This was in the middle of the vows! The minister played it off really well though and said something like "See the heaven's are rejoicing!"

trojangal 03-03-2008 09:16 PM

Hmm....let's see

1. I rode in with my parents and DH rode in with his brother. After the wedding and the pictures, everyone except my parents had gone to the reception hall. We realized that we didn't have a way to get to our own reception so we had to bum a ride off of my parents.

2. DH's wedding ring almost hit a gutter before the ceremony. As I was giving it to the MOH to hold, she dropped it and it started rolling. Someone had just opened the door, and it decided to roll out the door...down the hall, and headed towards the grate at the end of the sidewalk. I yelled "someone get it, quick!" and one of the groomsmen stopped it with his foot as he was coming up the walk.

3. Our DJ was terrible..she didn't play the right songs, and even worse, she started to hit on some of the wedding party!:eek:

4. We met up with some friends immediately after the reception so we could spend time with them..since we had the limo, we all decided to use it to cruise around. My BIL, former bartender, decided to mix MY drinks. It was not good...especially when we got back to the hotel. I was terribly sick, and one of my good friends had to help me out of my dress so I wouldnt' get sick on it. I've never let him mix anything since then. So..the wedding night wasn't so great b/c of that, and I've still to make up for it.:rolleyes:

5. Same friends from above teased me the next day telling me they enjoyed the cheeseburger platter that I apparently ordered but didn't eat. I don't remember even ordering room service.

honeychile 03-04-2008 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by sageofages (Post 1611544)
Oh I think I could use another laugh (or eight)! Spill it Honeychile!

Well, a few more, since my mother isn't here to help me with this:

-The original soloist eloped, so the church organist suggested a friend of hers. The soloist was to sing while we lit the Unity Candle. Her voice was SO BAD, my ex dropped his candle - thank heavens it wasn't lit yet!
-He then forgot the vow that he was to say at the lighting of the candle.
-He also tried to force my wedding ring on the wrong finger, despite me telling him so.
-The programs which caused so much trouble? The ushers "forgot" to pass them out.
-My father was feeling "the daddy blues" about his little girl getting married, and when asked who was giving me away, he said, "My mother & I", then was so embarrassed that he visibly teared up. (Actually, it was kinda cute!)
-The veil which was made for fresh flowers but ended up with glued silk flowers? The glue dried in my hair, and hunks of my hair came out with it later!
-The disc jockey was SO loud at first, the reverberations set off my titular godfather's pacemaker, and they had to leave early. The Club did wrap up their dinners.
-WAY too many people don't know or don't care what "Adult Reception" means.
-The bar was set up in one corner of the room, the dance floor at the complete other side. The bartender leapt over the bar and camethisclose to catching the bouquet. I'd give her lunge at least a 9.8.
-The angelic-looking flowergirl became rather non-angelic by the reception, and insisted on sitting next to me. I know I've mentioned that my bridesmaids were evenly divided between ADPis and Phi Mus - her mother was an ADPi, so she knew this little fact. One of the bridesmaids tried to talk her into behaving, and sitting in her correct seat. This adorable child announced at the top of her voice that whichever sorority "THAT WOMAN" was in, she would never, ever join it. Her little sister (all of 3 1/2 years old) said, "Then I will!"
-and the last one I'll share: we do a Friendship Circle at weddings, and serenade the bride & groom. One of my sisters had too much to drink, and when it was her turn to hug the groom, she put her hand on his chest and said, "You're not good enough for Honey!" Truer words have never been spoken!

ForeverRoses 03-07-2008 10:52 AM

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during all of that!

My wedding a few issues, but nothing like that! The biggest one was that my MOH was pregnant and 3 weeks before the wedding was put on bedrest. Luckily my sister-in-law was the same size (and we hadn't altered the dress to accomidate the baby bump), so she became a bridesmaid and my bio-sister became my stand-in MOH.

Oh and my veil was not detachable, so when my hairdresser did my hair she set it in place, well then on the drive to the church I accidentally buckled the veil into the seatbelt, where it became stuck.

Then the priest referred to me as the groom during the vows.

Finally, when we were pronounced husband and wife, the best man opened up a tin of altoids and presented us each one before we kissed. My husband has a strange sense of humor.

The one thing that I refused to do that I now wish I had done? My husband wanted to have "Be Not Afraid" played when he and the groomsmen entered the church. I said no-- but I wish I had said yes. It's now one of my favorite "church songs and we laugh every time we hear it-- so it's now more our song than anything actually played at our wedding!

Educatingblue 03-09-2008 01:08 PM

1. When I had gotten to the church apparently there had been a break down in communication between the priest and I. My husband and the groomsmen were getting dressed in the area that I was supposed to get dressed in. I had to wait in the limo for them to get done and move to a different location so he wouldn't see me.

2. In my haste, I left the programs and flower girl baskets in my CAR at the hotel. My Brother-in-law who had a shiny new corvette did break neck speeds to drive back to the hotel to get the stuff from my trunk and speed back to the church.

3. My photographer left before the wedding is over, so we have no pictures after us dancing. After the fact, he ripped us off, we have an album of pictures and no enlargements after he was already paid in full.

Looking back, none of those things are major except the pictures. Other than that, we had a great day.

AOII_LB93 03-09-2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Educatingblue (Post 1615128)
1. When I had gotten to the church apparently there had been a break down in communication between the priest and I. My husband and the groomsmen were getting dressed in the area that I was supposed to get dressed in. I had to wait in the limo for them to get done and move to a different location so he wouldn't see me.

2. In my haste, I left the programs and flower girl baskets in my CAR at the hotel. My Brother-in-law who had a shiny new corvette did break neck speeds to drive back to the hotel to get the stuff from my trunk and speed back to the church.

3. My photographer left before the wedding is over, so we have no pictures after us dancing. After the fact, he ripped us off, we have an album of pictures and no enlargements after he was already paid in full.

Looking back, none of those things are major except the pictures. Other than that, we had a great day.

EB - sorry about the photographer, that was something I was super scared about since we had our wedding overseas. Thankfully he was great...but still, yours? no blown up photos? what a jerk!

Let's see, anything major for mine? Well it was major to me,

-The restaurant where we were to have the reception closed and didn't bother to call and tell me. I found out by calling one day and it was their last day open after their two week vacation - the manager said, oh we might be reopened by then. Thankfully we hadn't given a deposit, and I had a few months to plan, but I stressed to no end considering that I had never seen any of the places where we got married, including the church.

-My sister was freezing cold and refused to take off her jacket for most of the photos, except the ones in the church and at the reception. Her feet were cold in the shoes she decided to wear so she wore her UGGs.....yes, that's right...UGGs. Thankfully she had a long dress and we only had 19 guests total. :)

-The cake was lopsided and super dry. I'm talking drier than any cake in the history of cakes I have ever had.

I think that is it. Short list...I still had a blast and would do it all again just the same...even the dry cake.

Educatingblue 03-10-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by AOII_LB93 (Post 1615363)
EB - sorry about the photographer, that was something I was super scared about since we had our wedding overseas. Thankfully he was great...but still, yours? no blown up photos? what a jerk!

No he never gave us the enlargements. He played the "contract" game for over a year. It goes something like this:

Me: Can we meet to discuss enlargements

Him: Ok, bring the pictures you would like enlarged and the contract...I forgot how many enlargements I owe you :mad:!!!!!

Me: 1 month later...are the pictures ready?

Him: I'm working on something special :rolleyes:

Me: 2 months later...are the pictures ready

Him: You never told me how many pictures I owe you, could you send me the contract

Me: I've already given it to you, but I'll fax it again today:mad:

Him: I never got it

Mom and dad call: Where are our daughter's pictures :mad::mad:

Him: She never sent me the contract

Me: Don't play these silly a** games with me! If you lost my d*mn pictures or spent the money, then say so and stop wasting my f*ckin' time!!!

To be continued......

AGDee 03-11-2008 06:17 AM

EB: It sounds like it's time for small claims court on that...

nikki1920 03-12-2008 12:49 PM

sooo, what happened next?

AnchorAlumna 03-12-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by EEKappa (Post 1611524)
When it was time to throw the bouquet, the two female friends in the groom's entourage were in the front. The one who caught it was wearing a cute strapless dress. When she reached up, the dress stayed down. So, we don't have those photos in our album.

Oh my. This wasn't the photo that made the rounds on the internet a few years ago, I hope! :eek:

dekeguy 03-12-2008 05:30 PM

A few years back I was a groomsman in a Brother's wedding. He was getting married in a formal ceremony at the bride's church in a very traditional Southern city.
The rehearsal went fine, the rehearsal dinner and cocktail party went fine, and then the wedding itself ...
We were in the sacristy up front and the bridal party was in the vestry room at the entrance. As the musical prelude was about to start the organist sent a note back to check if the songs on her list were the right ones. The maid of honor looked at the list and said yes those were what the bride wanted. The groom and party were supposed to take up positions after the third piece was played. So far so good. Then we were to come out of the sacristy and stand by waiting at the start of the fourth song. At that point the organist played "Bitter Foresight". Huh??
Then the bridesmaids started up the aisle to the "Funeral March of a Marionette", Huh again!, and when the bride appeared to begin her walk to the altar the organist played "The Queen of the Dead". Say what!?! Needless to say we were a tad bit confused, but the ceremony went well enough despite the barely surpressed annoyance of the bride. However, as we recessed out the organist played the "Dead March from Saul"!!! The bride was ready to shoot the organist on sight but she showed the list to the bride and pointed out that she thought these were odd choices and asked if these were the right songs. The maid of honor had confirmed the list so the bride was now looking for her scalp. The groom and his group were falling down laughing and the bride was seriously wanting to commit murder. We then noticed that the maid of honor had vanished, but tucked under the groom's car's windscreen wiper was a note to the bride which said "now we are even, b***h."
The groom tried his best to soothe his bride's rage and she was in reasonable shape for the reception but her mother was grim faced and seething and her father looked as though he wanted to murder the maid of honor's parents. They, incidentally, were really horrified and left after a quick and confused apology.
As far as I know to this day the bride never again spoke to her maid of honor and still says she hasn't a clue why or what caused this "sisterly gesture".

I have seen a couple of disasters and "practical jokes" at weddings, but I think this one takes the prize.

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