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PhiSigGabs 04-21-2002 10:45 AM

Hi Ladies,
I just wanted to ask if anyone has done any really cool philanthropy events that they could share? I just got elected Philanthropy chair and i have some good ideas, but wanted to see what the other chapters do. Thanx much :D

Phi Sig love and Mine,

Zeta Chi Chapter

PHP Code:

"These are the days. These are the girls. This is the time of your life" 

SapphireSphinx9 04-21-2002 05:57 PM

Our philanthropy chair this last year came up with great activities for us.
For every holiday, we made cards for the fire fighters and police officers in NYC. It doesn't sound like much, but we received a letter back from them, telling us how much they really appreciated it! It's really easy too. Just buy a pack of construction paper, some markers, crayons and rubber stamps. We would hand them out during meetings, for the sisters to make. We also would have them out at our Shakey's Night, which is a fundraiser. That way other people and organizations that were there could make some too!
We also made Christmas cards for the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.
Some of us went to an elementary school, and helped put books inside backpacks. (It was an event planned out by a company, I believe) Anyways, you can read books to the children.
There's tons of other ideas out there. Good luck!


AngelPhiSig 04-22-2002 08:10 AM

We do a quarter mile... where we gather up donations and make them into quarters and line them up for a mile on Main St. If we make a mile it comes to something likle 6000 bucks (I think) and then we donate half and keep half... which is great cos NKF gets 3000 and we do too!


I am doing a great job of NOT doing my unit plan....

PhiSigGabs 04-22-2002 09:43 AM

Thats an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing, i'll have to look into that one :D


PrincessKBC 04-22-2002 09:32 PM

Our chapter does an annual greek walk a thon that is 24 hours long and brings all the greeks on campus to help with our walk a thon. We got the news involved, the paper, radio stations and got PR plus Philanthropy ! We also put on an easter egg hunt with eggs, face painting, prizes, and fun stuff for the youth.

SapphireSphinx9 04-23-2002 03:00 AM

Great Idea!
AngelPhiSig, that's a great idea! Hopefully we'll be able to implement that here!


PhiSigGabs 04-23-2002 10:40 AM

A walk a thon sounds like fun! Unfortunately we're the only greek organization on campus (don't gasp!, its actually kinda cool!) But maybe we could gather up fellow Phi Sigs from surrounding colleges. I know there are some Western Maryland girls that post messages on here...would you be interested in something like that? We could team up and have an awesome time!

Phi Sig love and Mine ,

Zeta Chi Chapter
Villa Julie College

jess_pom 06-09-2002 10:57 AM

Ok, so our national philanthropy is the National Kidney Foundation. But, except for donating money once a year, my chapter doesn't really do much for it. What are some things that other chapters do to support the NKF???


MooseGirl 06-12-2002 12:23 PM

my chapter is in the same situation as yours...we don't do much for NKF other than donate to foundation.

Call up the affiliate and see if they have anything you can help with....I know they have lollipop(or jelly-beans??) days here, but for some reason the Sigma Chi s do that. And last year a nearby chapter invited us to go to a walkathon with was at the detroit zoo and was for the NKF, so maybe you could participate in a local walkathon too.

also, i've heard that some groups make cover-ups for the IV bags...this is popular for children's wards, but I'm sure you could adapt it for the dialysis ward...after all aren't most IV bags the same?

Although, I really want my chapter to do more community service, it is really tough since we're so small and they need to get the chapter functioning properly again.

Krisber81 07-08-2002 02:32 PM

My chapter tries to do our best at funding the NKF. We hold bake sales, walk a thons and anything we can to raise maney for NKF. Any fundraiser you do can help support the NKF.

phisiggrrl352 07-09-2002 10:03 AM

Hi Rebecca,
i'm the philanthropy chair for the gamma pi chapter at umbc. i think it would be a great idea to get together for some events because it seems that, with at least some events, that the more involved the better.

i have a few ideas in mind and i think it'd be cool if we could share since we know what's it's like with a small greek community. just a question- do you get much support from the rest to the student body?

sorry to seem if i'm babbling...

gamma pi
university of maryland baltimore county

phisig4eva 08-16-2002 07:12 AM

Philanthropy ideas?
so, as of now... we have no "real" philanthropy. i mean, we do little things year round, but we can't compete with say, DG's Anchor Splash or Tri Delts "Dolphin Daze" -etc. we WANT to have a cool, catchy philanthropy event that we can make into a tradition.

any ideas? i know many chapters do the Rock-a-thon but my school is very apathetic and for some reason I just don't see us having much success with that. i think what we really want to do is make something that involves mostly the greek community - some activity or something that we can ALL do together, rather than trying to collect donations.

this topic, of course, is DEFINETLY open to members of other groups. any ideas would be great!

MooseGirl 08-17-2002 12:14 AM

I don't have many ideas for big philanthropies. But a chapter in our division does a Mr. PhiSignificant pageant. They recruit men from some fraternities and some from sports teams. have a whole pageant. judges were mostly e-board and alum. tickets were about 3-5 dollars. and they sold chocolate roses and other snacks.
I guess this depends on teh sttitude of yur school, since even some around our division didn't like the idea of a pageant...but last year when i went it was so funny...the guys had a good time, and well, so did the ladies :D


SapphireSphinx9 09-17-2002 01:29 AM

This semester we're doing the AIDS Walk and setting up a blood drive with the American Red Cross. Also, we might be working with Lambda Theta Phi to do Habitat for Humanity.

Can you explain what the Anchor Splash and Dolphin Daze are? We don't have either of those sororities on our campus, so I'm unfamiliar with them.


phisig140 09-17-2002 09:42 AM

Our chapter started a cancer fundraiser last year and it was a huge success. We worked with our campus volunteer center, had speakers come, provided a meal, invited all students, staff, faculty & comuunity, and 4 of our students on campus shaved their heads for cancer awareness - one of them was a Phi Sig sister! Our campus made that day the official Cancer awareness day for our university and now Phi Sig will be the annual hosts for the event. Last year we raised a couple thousand dollars and are hoping that it will get bigger and bigger every year.

We have also done the sleep out for the homeless.


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