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sophmorePNM 01-29-2012 12:49 AM

to wear or not to wear?
i started this thread so pnms could post ideas on outfits they had that they were maybe unsure about and sisters could put whether or not they think its a good idea.. ill start.
Im 5'9" and when i wear heels im usually about 6'2" (go big or go home right?) should i still wear heels or will i completely tower over everyone and be super awkward.. do the tall actives usually wear heels?

groovypq 01-29-2012 01:01 AM

I'd suggest flats. Not so much because of your height, but for comfort. It's a long night on your feet!

But also, I suggest you own your height! Pref night is usually dressiest, and of course fewer parties, so go ahead and wear your heels for that. If you have confidence, you'll look awesome.

ellebud 01-29-2012 02:25 AM

Definitely wear flats. NOT because you should hide your height but because you may be talking to girls who are 5 feet tall. In a large room, with LOTS of noise both of you would be saying, "WHAT?" far too much.

KKGCaroline 01-29-2012 04:14 AM

Definitely wear flats!

I wore heels my first day of Rush (way back when), and although they looked great, all the walking between parties was murder on my feet. To be the best you, you will need to be as comfortable as possible!

AXOrushadvisor 01-29-2012 10:39 AM

I think it depends on what the Chapters are wearing. Except for the first day most of the Chapters at our school wear heels. If you do choose heels put a pair of flip flops in your bag to change when walking between houses.

FleurGirl 01-29-2012 01:10 PM

Especially in the first round, I think flats are the way to go. That is a LOOONG day and if you're uncomfortable you won't be able to enjoy it!

sophmorePNM 01-30-2012 02:44 PM

thanks guys! im gonna go with some fancier sandals i think and then heels on pref night (assuming i make it that far!)

UGAgirl93 07-14-2012 01:44 AM

I know this thread is older/resolved, but I just want to throw this out there because I've met a lot of taller girls who were self conscious about their height: TALL DOES NOT EQUAL AWKWARD! :) Own it! It makes you stand out and it's actually something a lot of shorter girls envy. Some (actually, a lot) of the most beautiful girls I know are very tall. I can definitely say I have never looked at a taller girl and thought that her height took away from her appearance or that she would look better if she were shorter. Vice versa, same goes for short girls, btw.

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