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aephi alum 08-15-2003 09:33 AM

Rush Thread Addicts' Support Group
Announcing the official rush thread addicts' support group thread ;)

Just say whatever is on your mind...

All are welcome - GLO members, PNMs, future PNMs, interested onlookers, everyone.

I'll start:

Hi, I'm aephi alum and I'm a rush-thread-aholic...

Best of luck to everyone, on both sides.

Carnation was mean :p

You know you're a rush thread addict when the entire Northeast loses power and your first thought is "no rush threads!"

smiley21 08-15-2003 10:20 AM

i am smiley21 and i am a rush thread addict.
i hate the feeling of anticipation. i used to like it but i want it to go away. i cant take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AZpinkkittie 08-15-2003 10:25 AM

I'm AZpinkkittie, and I'm a rush thread addict. I like to live vicariously through other peoples rush thread's until my own rush starts. And the waiting for my rush is making my hair gray.

rainbowbrightCS 08-15-2003 10:25 AM

hi my name is Christia, and I am an addict! I want to read about people rushed until mine happens (next fall!!!)

Pass me the coffee please.

AXOMarq 08-15-2003 10:48 AM

I am AXOMarq (aka Mary)

I am a rush-thread-aholic

I am packing up my room to move into my new apartment (tomorrow) and every 30 minutes, I've been down at my computer to see if there are any new developments. Ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!

PreppyGirl 08-15-2003 10:58 AM

Hi! I'm PreppyGirl and I'm a rush thread addict...

* While I'm at work, I refresh my GC screen at least every 1-2 minutes to see if there have been any developments...

* When I get home, the first thing that I do is check my email and GC to see if anything happened during my commute (which is about 5 minutes-- maybe less)

* I stay up WAY past my bedtime checking updates

* First thing I do in the am-- check my email... second thing-- check GC

I just discovered GC this summer... all I can say is that it will lead to some serious procrastination this school year. Forget Snood! Forget Instant Messenger! I've got GC to help me avoid doing work now! :)

ilovemyglo 08-15-2003 11:34 AM

HI my name is Sarah- (Hi sarah)
I am a GC Rush threadaholic.
(Tears up) at first, it was little things- oh a new girl- going through rush- is there an AGD chapter there? Do they like them?
But it slowly got worse...
what other chapters are there? How many rounds? How competitive? What is house total? Quota? Who all made quota?
I hit rock bottom two nights ago when I had to go into the chat room to bide my time waiting to find out what Blazercheer went. I stayed online for three hours to find out- and could have been productive at work instead, but chose GC.
I am doing a little better, even though there is a current thread about my school- I guess since I am alum I can deal with it.
I have been doing better-
I check once every 30 minutes instead of once a minute- I even went all last night with out checking once- of course I was AT rush, so maybe that was why.
Anyway, I am now doing pretty good- I am excited about threads at schools that don't even have AGD, and I am so happy when a PNM finds a home that she loves, and honestly I can say no matter the letter- we're all greek together...

OUlioness01 08-15-2003 12:05 PM

hi i'm megan and i'm a rush thread addict.

i'm having my wisdom teeth pulled on tuesday and my first thought when i realized it was "am i going to miss any bid days???"

i was late for work last week because i was checking blazercheer's rush thread on the off chane carnation actually posted some details.

i check the rush forum at least 5 times a day, usually more, just to see if there are mew developments.

JohnsDGsweethrt 08-15-2003 12:51 PM


Originally posted by ilovemyglo
HI my name is Sarah- (Hi sarah)
I am a GC Rush threadaholic.
(Tears up) at first, it was little things- oh a new girl- going through rush- is there an AGD chapter there? Do they like them?
But it slowly got worse...
what other chapters are there? How many rounds? How competitive? What is house total? Quota? Who all made quota?
I hit rock bottom two nights ago when I had to go into the chat room to bide my time waiting to find out what Blazercheer went. I stayed online for three hours to find out- and could have been productive at work instead, but chose GC.
I am doing a little better, even though there is a current thread about my school- I guess since I am alum I can deal with it.
I have been doing better-
I check once every 30 minutes instead of once a minute- I even went all last night with out checking once- of course I was AT rush, so maybe that was why.
Anyway, I am now doing pretty good- I am excited about threads at schools that don't even have AGD, and I am so happy when a PNM finds a home that she loves, and honestly I can say no matter the letter- we're all greek together...

LMAO! LOL :D You are too funny!

Hi My name is Melanie and I'm a rush addict!
I first started out sorta being only interested in the pnm on here who are rushing at schools w/ DG. Hell, now I want to know where everyone goes! LOL
My FIRST anniversary is August 17 and I know I am going to miss so many rush stuff! LOL But of course I am looking forward to the traveling I am going to be doing with my Hubby! Not looking forward to ten million emails in my inbox!
It just can't happen quick enough!

AOIIalum 08-15-2003 01:04 PM

Re: Rush Thread Addicts' Support Group

Originally posted by aephi alum

You know you're a rush thread addict when the entire Northeast loses power and your first thought is "no rush threads!"

Hi, I'm Christin and I'm a returning recruitment thread addict. I've always loved recruitment, or rush as it was called in the olden days :) My favorite thing is the PNMs journey through her recruitment, and details are wonderful. I'll be obsessive next week with all of the Kentucky schools in the heat of recruitment (translation, if you have a KY school connection, PLEASE POST!!! I teared up when I learned that BlazerCheer was finally home.

You know you are a recruitment thread addict when the entire Northeast loses power and my first thought is "Where are the GC servers located?"

cutiepatootie 08-15-2003 01:36 PM

Hi my name is Laura and i am rush thread junkie!

At first it started to be a once a day occurance then it builded as the craving became stronger.

I tried to break the vicious cycle but carnation gave a little more to read and i took the bait and got hooked. No i am coming off my adrenlin rish for this thread and hoping to enter rehab!

PreppyGirl 08-15-2003 04:47 PM

Hey... It's PreppyGirl again. I just wanted to let all the other recruitment thread addicts know that there is hope-- today I sat in front of a computer from 1:30 until 4:30 without checking GC once! Baby steps...

Actually though, I have a question about the "withdrawl" following recruitment. What do you do when there aren't any recruitment threads?? Re-read the old ones?? I don't know if I'll be able to handle a few months with out rush threads when I can barely go a few hours!!

AOIIalum 08-15-2003 05:29 PM


Originally posted by PreppyGirl
Actually though, I have a question about the "withdrawl" following recruitment. What do you do when there aren't any recruitment threads?? Re-read the old ones?? I don't know if I'll be able to handle a few months with out rush threads when I can barely go a few hours!!
Well, there are plenty of schools who don't start recruitment until September. Then, there's IU and Purdue who are doing the November/January split. THEN there's all the deferred recruitment schools. Toss in a few COBers throughout the year, the "I can't wait for all of the recruitment threads next fall" threads, and if necessary the threads way way back at the back end of the Rush Forum, and you'll be fine.

If not, we always have this thread to keep us going :D

(yes, I am serious)

AOII_LB93 08-15-2003 06:11 PM

I too am a recruitment thread-aholic. It started out last year during the fall and progressively through the summer it has gotten worse. Even during my summer school computer class, which is 5 hours in front of a computer, I check GC at least once an hour just to see if anything has been changed or updated.

I don't know how I am going to stand it. I think I will have to shut off the computer for a week just to get a huge dose all at once. Imagine that high?!:cool:

adpiucf 08-15-2003 07:16 PM

Hello I'm ADPiUCF, and I am a Recruitment Thread Addict!

My addiction began this summer, as I began to meet PNM's on GC, to hear their stories, and answer their recruitment questions. I feel like I have come to know them all, and want to call them my Panhellenic Sisters, so as you can see, I am on pins and needles, feeling like an anxious parent, wanting to know and experience through their eyes all that is of recruitment at their university, and their jubilation at receiving their long-awaited bids!

Oh I can't wait to see what sororities will welcome our GC PNM's as their own! I must admit, every few minutes, I like to check out the rush forum and see if there is any "breaking news"-- Is there a Recruitment "Patch" like nicotrol that will break me of this horrid addiction?!

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