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adpiucf 07-31-2004 01:48 PM

"Tent Talk"

As you go through recruitment, there will be periods of "down time" between recruitment parties. Typically, there are tents and chairs set outside the houses before you head into a party. This is a time where gossip and rumors spread like wildfire. Enjoy chatting with your fellow PNM's, but avoid listening to the gossip and rumors.

"OH, at XYZ, you have to be a blonde to get in."

"Did you hear that at ABC they haze you and circle your fat?"

"Someone told me that the DEF's have a mandatory bible study!!!"

IGNORE THE TENT TALK! They're just rumors!!!!!

Sorority women, please chime in...

CASIGKAP 07-31-2004 02:28 PM

OMG! Absolutely ignore the rumors. Though I COB'd, I later heard stories that said crap like you posted.

At ABC, they line you up in your bikinis & have frat guys circle your fat.

At DEF, when you get initiated, you get dropped into a coffin & are reborn again as a sister.

At GHI, they only take girls who come from families that have $$$.

It's ridiculous. I sincerely hope that PNM's don't take all this crap seriously.

AGDTink 07-31-2004 02:31 PM

Yeah, at every school there seems to be the rumors of various chapters being... ones who take "everybody", the one's that "are the smart ones" , are the "pretty ones", are the "slutty ones"... so don't believe it... I heard all sorts of rumors going through recruitment... from charges of virgin sacrificing, forced rape of men, to have to be a Baptist to get in, and not being allowed to wear baseball caps... and none of it has turned out to be true... so go thru rec. w/ an open mind, and a closed ear to the gossip

lyrica9 07-31-2004 03:59 PM

and the infamous "i heard TRF was closing because of ____________"

PKTKKG 07-31-2004 04:32 PM


Originally posted by CASIGKAP
OMG! Absolutely ignore the rumors. Though I COB'd, I later heard stories that said crap like you posted.

At ABC, they line you up in your bikinis & have frat guys circle your fat.

At DEF, when you get initiated, you get dropped into a coffin & are reborn again as a sister.

At GHI, they only take girls who come from families that have $$$.

It's ridiculous. I sincerely hope that PNM's don't take all this crap seriously.

Actually, I did hear at DEF that they do drop you in a coffin to be reborn HG!

Shima-Mizu 07-31-2004 07:39 PM

I heard:

ABC: They talk about sex all the time

DEF: They're non stop drinkers

GHI: Are all about having a good time and partying

JKL: They're the best one to get into (no reason given though, lol).

MNO: They all have short hair (look around people, no, they don't)

And plenty of other stupid unrealistic reasons that aren't even true. So yeah, don't listen to a word of rumor you hear. You're going into those houses to talk to the real girls.

KSUViolet06 07-31-2004 08:43 PM

Some "gems" I heard:

AB: You have to be a size 0 and gorgeous to even be considered.

CD: All have 4.0's and you're screwed if you don't.

AAA: Only take talented singers and dancers that will help them win Greek events.

CCC: All fat skanks who will take anyone.

XY: Haze their pledges.

EF: Only take blonde, skinny, party girl types who drink alot.


DolphinChicaDDD 07-31-2004 09:20 PM

This thread is making me think about the falsehoods that my chapter/campus has. Yes, we all know what the lies about our own chapters are from others in the Greek Life perspective, but what about from the PNM stand point?
Kinda also makes me think how all this nonsense started...guess thats what happens when you put a bunch of girls together in a room.

LionTamer 08-02-2004 10:56 AM

I've told this story elsewhere, but when I was rushing, one favorite topic among PNMs was how one of the ASAs was a crazy pathological liar, because she claimed to be dating/have dated two very famous major league baseball players (maybe reasonable at USC, but not considered in the realm of possibility at Penn State). Caused quite a few girls to cut ASA.

I ignored this, figuring that there were loonies in every sorority, which proved to be true, and joined ASA anyway.

Turns out the girl wasn't psycho, but was sort of a groupie (girls in the sorority had met the guys, so she did know them). We didn't really know whether "baseball groupie" was any better than "pathological liar", so we didn't do anything to contradict the rumors, other than ignoring them.

astroAPhi 08-02-2004 11:48 AM

My personal favorite was that for the past several years, we've been accused of being racist because MY FRESHMAN YEAR an african-american woman and 2 Carribbean women joined the only (at the time) other sorority on campus. The next year and every year after that, we lose some of the coolest girls because this stupid rumor won't just lie down and die. :rolleyes:

CASIGKAP 08-02-2004 12:15 PM

I've had girls who were able to look past the rumors & stories. Unfortunately, it's not good when you have a recent alum who tells her own family member NOT to put down that she's a Sk legacy. Towards the end, this sister became disillusioned not with the chapter but with some of the other girls in the house. It's sad that she would say things like this about us based on her experience with only 2 girls. Oh Well.

aoiikristi 08-02-2004 01:38 PM

While serving as recruitment adviser, I knew of a legacy who told our girls that her sister told her not to pledge us because our chapter wasn't as good as the one at the SEC school where her sister was a member.
She did end up going to another group--we were probably better off!

shadokat 08-02-2004 02:16 PM

My personal favorite, from a Rho Chi no less....

"D Phi E only takes Jewish girls"....NOT TRUE!

PennyCarter 08-02-2004 03:06 PM

I heard that AB cut all the girls whose shorts were shorter than x inches above the knee. It was really funny too because these girls usually had a party reputation (although they didnt' party any more than any other organization), so I don't know how the short short thing came up.

And the ADPi stereo-type is that all our girls have medium length brown hair (and we're all average height). Ironically enough, most of us fit this description, but after watching recruitment 4 years and being the recruitment chair, I have no explanation as to why this tended to hold true...we certainly didn't have a preference for brown haired fact one year my grand-diamond made a big push to get more red headed girls before she graduated (as a joke of course).

PiPhiGirl2005 08-02-2004 03:07 PM

No tents at Hillsdale, but the "tent talk" still flies.

Overheard in my dorm freshmen year:
"The only house I would consider joining is ABC, since they're the only ones classy enough to know that they need to wear pantyhose with their dresses!"

Let me assure you all that members of all three sororities at my school are "classy enough" to wear pantyhose. :rolleyes:

Another favorite - the infamous GPA rumour: "XYZ only takes girls who got at least a 3.7 first semester." (If that were true, XYZ would have been out of business long ago!)

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