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AKA2D '91 03-19-2002 07:07 PM

Jay-Z and R Kelly, really RKelly...
The CD of their "duets" if you will was to hit the stores today. Did anyone purchase it?

In light of the RKelly "incidents" with "minors", how should the marketing department of the record company handle this? Should R and Jay tour anyway? Do you think that since there is "evidence" LMAO...uh oh of R in the act, that this will affect his career? Should Jigga distance himself? What? :confused: I'm sure there was some big time promotions being planned to hype this up.

Should radio stations and the video channels ban or limit R's exposure via their medium because of "incidents"? Continuing to air R's music/videos, does it send the wrong message, that his actions/behavior are okay? I mean, NOW there is EVIDENCE. Man, videos and pictures don't lie.

Maybe this is a new day and age, where all behavior is tolerated/excused. :confused:

PinkIvy 03-19-2002 08:22 PM

I got a chance to listen to the CD last week when my brother was in town. I think that it is okay, there are a few songs that I played constantly (can't think of them off hand)

As far as them touring, I think it should wait to see what the outcome of Mr. Kelly's recent acts will be. I think that is why they don't have any plans to do any videos for any of the songs anytime soon. It is hard to say if this "evidence" will make or break his career, and as far a Jay-Z distancing himself, that is totally up to him, however if they are tight boys as they portray then I think he will stay in his corner as a support system.

The radio and television stations. . .they are going to do what they want. . .here in Detroit, they are playing his songs and songs that he is featured in all the time, so who knows.

Innocence22 03-20-2002 03:52 PM

In the words of Destiny's Child "Drama sells records." Point blank. Jay-Z and "Fiesta Molesta" R. Kelly are two of the top album sellers in Rap and R&B. They are going to sell records regardless of the scandals. The fans that LOVE Jigga are going to go and buy it to support Jay-Z and the R. Kelly fans are going to go out and support Jay-Z. I don't think the timing was right to put the album out at the midst of a scandal (especially one as serious as this one.) But Def Jam/Rockafella and Jive felt differently. I don't see why they shouldn't go on never know, it might be just as successful as the HARD KNOCK LIFE tour but I doubt if the album is gonna flop....there are too many fans for that. They stuck with R. through that whole "Aaliyah" I doubt if it will hurt album sales.

pretty_girl82 03-20-2002 09:39 PM

Oh No
Someone emailed me the pictures that are from the tape. I am not joking! It shows two different tapes but it looks like him. If no one believes me PM me and I will email them to you.

OneOneTwo 03-22-2002 10:07 PM

Have you heard the poem "The Thickness" by Jill Scott? I think it applies all too well for this situation. I am not saying that that is an excuse for any GROWN ASS MAN to be picking on some young girl but Jill eloquently (sp?) points out that these girls have this "Breast and this ass and they don't even know how to CARRY IT! because they are underdeveloped here (point to brain)" and that they are "Still children although they are built like women and still boys although they act like men ."

As far as the video pics are concerned, to each his/her own opinion. One must take in mind that many people impersonate famous people for a living and with that statement above, it is not always IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER!

Now do I think it's him.... I don't know. Refer to the first two paragraphs for that.

Getting back to AKA2D'91's ?, "how should the marketing department of the record company handle this?" You do what you do. On one hand, this album was planned before the scandal leaked out (and the timing couldn't be better) so they should continue as schueduled but with caution. However, this is turning into a "guilty until proven innocence case" so their moves could destroy Jay-Z's and R-Kelly's career and if this is true, more careers will end as a result.


AKA2D '91 05-07-2002 08:04 PM

For those interested, he's on BET tonight with Ed Gordon Wednesday night.

DST Love 05-07-2002 08:14 PM

My Soror/coworker heard on the radio here in ATL that R Kelly is supposed to say in this interview that the man who has been impersonating him will come forward. Frankly, with all the time R Kelly took to speak up, I'm sure it took the same amount of time to find a man that looks like him and is willing to be paid off to take the fall. That's just what I think. God forgive me if I'm wrong.

Steeltrap 05-07-2002 08:23 PM

I may have to pull away from the Lakers playoff game to watch this. What gets me is that "Rra" (CTHU @Soror Moderator) keeps talking so much about Jesus, but if these allegations are proven, his behavior and lifestyle is not Godly. IMHO, if you are going to talk about being a Christian, you better BE ON POINT 24/7.

Professor 05-08-2002 09:45 AM

Hell No!
I started to say hell no but then I thought about Michael Jackson - who I really think is Rebbie trying to make a come back -. He did the same thing except with a boy and we most folk still support him. I'm not saying its right but like my sister said drama sells.

Personally, I would not attend a free concert to see Mr. Kelly. If I did all I could think about is he could be trying to pimp one of five nieces and that will piss me off.

On the radio this morning the question was asked what should the interviewer ask Kelly. I say come with it - Did you like little girls and is that you getting your groove on in the video?

BigChill06 05-08-2002 11:18 AM

Im with you Professor!!

No sense in tiptoeing around the question that everybody wants to know. Nearly everybody saw the tape(s), they might as well have had them playing at the movies! I say put the man on the spot. They should let the "Oh Drama" girls do the interview!!:cool:

ClassyLady 05-08-2002 11:18 AM

Re: Hell No!

Originally posted by Professor
I started to say hell no but then I thought about Michael Jackson - who I really think is Rebbie trying to make a come back -.

Anyway, I agree with DST Love. With all the time on his hands, Rra could have found some man to impersonate him and paid him off to take the blame. I probably won't watch the interview because I can do without him saying that it wasn't him and that this is all a set up. I'll be alright.

lil_sunshine 05-08-2002 12:09 PM

Re: Oh No

Originally posted by pretty_girl82
Someone emailed me the pictures that are from the tape. I am not joking! It shows two different tapes but it looks like him. If no one believes me PM me and I will email them to you.
I was e-mailed the same pics as well from one of my mother's former co-workers. I think he did it, but I still think he's a talented artist and I will continue to support his work. I might catch flack for this, but hey, to each his own.


AKA2D '91 05-08-2002 12:37 PM

would you continue to support him if it were your CHILD that he had sex with? (Still, I find both of them in the wrong, but RRa has been in this situation before.

I think he is SICK!

vanda 05-08-2002 02:09 PM

I can see someone wanting to take the rap for something like pedophilia because Kelly will pay him off. But, even if the price is right, would I really wanna do some possible jail time for something I didn't do?

Steeltrap 05-08-2002 02:22 PM


Originally posted by vanda
I can see someone wanting to take the rap for something like pedophilia because Kelly will pay him off. But, even if the price is right, would I really wanna do some possible jail time for something I didn't do?
Thank you. No amount of money is worth going to the slam and risking being same-sex raped or killed.

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