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FAURecruitment 08-19-2002 11:06 PM

What are your Recruitment Counselors like?
I was just curious as to what everyone's Recruitment Counselors (or whatever they are called at your school) are like? What kind of activities they do with you and anything else that you would like to share? They can be present ones or old ones that you remember from when you went through.


FAURecruitment 08-20-2002 08:06 PM


FuzzieAlum 08-21-2002 11:20 AM

Our school did (does still maybe?) it really weird. We used reent alums rather than actives. The theory was they were less biased and more wise. My PX was actually a grad student who worked in the Greek Life office. She had done her undergrad elsewhere and was a member of a sorority that was not on campus, although I actually knew her prior to rush (we did it second semester) through another campus group.

I've read on here about PX's going out to movies, dinners, etc. with their groups, but all ours did was shepherd us from party to party and give us advice.

FAURecruitment 08-26-2002 11:09 PM

:) bump :)

Holly5425 08-26-2002 11:58 PM

We actually got our Recruitment Counsilers tonight! Mine is SO awesome...she is so much fun! She made us all these folders with our names written all cute on them and they were filled with tips and advise for rush, her cell phone number and address, poems and songs about sisterhood ect. She also gave us these plastic cups decorated in our schools colors with our names on them filled with candy, lip gloss, chapstick and other goodies. Then we played an ice breaker and just chatted. I cant wait to find out what sorority she is in!! After meeting all of the RC's and assuming they are all in different houses, I would be happy having any one of them as my sister! I cant wait for tomorrow!! We start at 5:30 and finish at 9:30 then we are having a PJ party with out group until 2am and then we get our invites for round 2. I am going to be exhausted for my 9am class on wed!! I'll post LATE tomorrow night (like 2:30 am) under the thread "Hollys rush thread"....wish me luck and thanks SO much for all of the support and advice you guys have given me over the past month that I have been on GC!

Glitter650 08-27-2002 01:47 AM

Our school uses alumni as PX's as well :)

Fewdfreak 08-27-2002 02:02 AM

Our Rho Chi's were totally awesome. They all wore the same clothing, but were from different sororities. Mine was Katie, and she turned out to be G Phi B. She was tight, actually, all of them were, they carried back packs and wore name tags and the same shirts so you could ask any of them anything! They had Altoids, mints, gum, chapstick, rubberbands, tampons, etc... and gave great unbiased advice! Our first day she introduced us and we did an icebreaker. We also went out with another Rho Chi who was Chi O, and ours to eat, and then before pref we went to a nice place to eat, and all dressed up. I loved my Rho Chi! She even came by our room to give us bids, and was totally nice, gave us her cell, and told us to call 24/7!


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