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Lunarwolf 07-12-2003 05:01 AM

To All PNMs
I love how as fall recruitment draws nearer, we can all clearly see the excitement from both sides and the anxiety from the PNM's about proper behavior, outfits, and so on.

What I'd like to say is that PNM's should also keep in mind that the sororities are nervous too: Will we get sisters we'll be proud of? Will we make quota? What if someone trips and falls during our Pref ceremony? What should we do if one of our NM's comes crying on Bid Day? If the PNM's don't like their Rho Chi and figure out she's one of ours, will they cut us? Is my makeup overdone? Do we look like a sophisticated cult in our black lookalike dresses? Are we scaring away PNM's with the intense energy of recruitment?

:p Well, maybe not all of these apply to every active GCer. But the point is, those of us on the other side are just as excited and anxious as you are.

RedFox 07-12-2003 11:34 PM

Thank you so much for your support Lunarwolf!:D

MTSUGURL 07-13-2003 11:00 AM

While it is reassuring that the sorority members are nervous, and while I am genuinely impressed with the preparation that goes into rush, I think the difference is this: We as PNMs have limited control. VERY limited control. (Hence all the threads on the exact perfect outfit, manicures, pedicures, toenail polish, pantyhose, etc...) In the back of our minds is the knowledge that even if they are nervous, and even if we do everything right, we can be cut from houses we fall in love with during rush. There are 7 sororities at my school and last year there were something like 400 PNMs. We keep thinking, "How will I stand out? Will they remember me?" then, "Did I do anything stupid? Do I still look ok? Did I seem nervous? Did my Rho Sigma (rho gamma, rho chi, etc) forget to tell me that I have something green between my teeth?" Say I talk to 3 women in each group the first round. At the end of the night, I only have to remember 21 people (less if I didn't like some of the houses, I guess) bbut the sororities need to be able to pick me out of 400 OTHER GIRLS. Talk about daunting. If I didn't know that the sorority members were nervous to, I think I would REALLY be freaking out. At least this way I have one thing going for me: I'm really good at putting people at ease.

Wow that was a lot of nonsensical babbling. :)

WhiteDaisy128 07-13-2003 11:21 AM


even if they are nervous, and even if we do everything right, we can be cut from houses we fall in love with during rush.
Haha, but think about how we feel if we LOVE a girl and she cuts us!!! We think, "what did we do wrong," "why didn't she like us," etc.

Rush is a mutual selection process...if there is a really awesome girl, chances are ALL of the sororities are inviting her back...she has to make the cuts!

I know at my school, one of the big things is to try to "steal" legacies. If someone is a legacy to another chapter, they are rushed sooooo hard at the other houses.

So it really does kinda go both ways...we want to make sure we are perfect too, so you'll remember us! And like us! And pick us! It's stressful too. I think that Lunarwolf was just trying to point that out...

PM_Mama00 07-13-2003 12:05 PM

I would also like to add that I was shocked to read the threads on "should I buy this dress for rush" "should I get my nails done"?

Not all schools' recruitment is like this!

For example, if I saw a girl walk into our room with an expensive dress, hair all did, and perfectly manicure nails, I would think "Wow, that's great that she takes care of herself, but what about her personality?"

A great personality and being yourself goes far more over than looks how "money" you look. Take a look around at what the Greeks look like on an every day basis at school. Dress to impress but don't over do it.

This isn't to put down any other university's recruitment, I just do not want PNM's from other schools to be scared off by all these threads about spending money just to look picture perfect for recruitment.

justagirl06 07-13-2003 11:08 PM

question about sophomores going through rush
I was reading on this message board that sophomores have less of a chance of getting a bid than freshman. Is that true at most schools or just at a few? thanks.

GPhiBLtColonel 07-13-2003 11:25 PM

Re: question about sophomores going through rush

Originally posted by justagirl06
I was reading on this message board that sophomores have less of a chance of getting a bid than freshman. Is that true at most schools or just at a few? thanks.
It can -- see this thread for more discussion:

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