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STL Kappa 07-24-2005 03:59 AM

How many recs does a PNM need?
So in the pre-recruitment craziness of GC (it's that time again!), I've noticed quite a few PNMs preparing for recruitment asking about recommendations (as always) and how many they need. I've read these answers:

1. None, if the chapter requires it they are responsible for obtaining it.
2. As many as you can get.
3. One per chapter.
4. Depends on your school. (Big and Southern equals MORE MORE MORE... haha. :p)

I know that some national organizations advise that multiple letters and recs are unnecessary, but I've noticed some PNMs are worried because so-and-so said that if they don't have 5 for each chapter they'll be cut. (To me that seems outrageous...) So I'm wondering (maybe this is a silly question), how many recs does a PNM really need?

I know we're not the end all be all of recruitment advice (or maybe we are? ;) ) but I feel like we're pointing these girls in a million different directions...

LightBulb 07-24-2005 04:23 AM

Good question!
Also, if you give your input, please say what school you go to or what type (small liberal arts, large southern state, etc.) of school you attend.

I go to a small Catholic school (engineering is the big thing [though not for the sorority girls!]), and recs are very unnecessary. We know all the girls though - rush is halfway through the first semester, and it's a small school (less than 2,000).

carnation 07-24-2005 09:19 AM

If you're going through at a competitive Southern school, do try to get at least 2.

DeltaEtaKP 07-24-2005 12:46 PM

I go to a small liberal arts school with deferred recruitment and references are very rare and not at all neccessary.

Zillini 07-24-2005 01:09 PM

I don't think there is any magic number. I can't speak for other GLOs or campuses, but for me it's all about quality over quantity.

1 Rec submitted by an alum who knows the PNM well and thoroughly explains how this PNM would be an asset to our Chapter is plenty. I also take notice of Recs that come from active alums, whether it be with an Alum Assoc or especially if they are actively involved with a Chapter such as an Advisor or House Corp member. To me it shows that this alum continues to be committed to the ideals and success of our organization and therefore would probably not recommend someone who would not make a good member.

But 30 "FYI" Recs wouldn't impress me at all. Meaning "I barely know this girl and have no clue what kind of a person she is, let alone what kind of member she'd make. BTW here's her transcript, pic and resume that she gave me." Thanks for the info, but in my eyes they don't carry alot of weight.

KSUViolet06 07-24-2005 04:31 PM

I go to a large school in the northeast with a small greek system. Recs are not necessary but very nice to get here at Kent State. Every sorority gets a few girls who have taken out the time to get them, and we do appreciate it. But they are certainly not required.

As far as legacy status, every sorority gets a few coming through. And they usually are given their full courtesies according to the policies of the chapter. They will most likely get their legacy group if it's one they choose to list on their pref card.

AGDee 07-24-2005 10:54 PM

In Michigan, if you have a rec, the women will be shocked and may not know what to do with it. Then I get a phone call saying "We got this form and we don't know what to do with it". I think it's the same in Canada (at least at U of Toronto and Western Ontario, the two I'm most familiar with).


AGDee 07-24-2005 11:29 PM

We like to know about legacies too, although those are also pretty rare.

jwright25 07-25-2005 11:45 AM

Couple of thoughts on this point....

1 - As a couple of you have mentioned, it is nice to know about legacies. We have a spot on our campus recruitment applications for the PNM to list any family connections. If she lists Alpha Delta Pi yet we haven't received a legacy introduction form or official recommendation letter from the family member, we must research to find out whether or not this is true. We're happy to do that, but it is easier when the mother, sister, or grandmother sends in the form as well. Lots of times the PNM will only list her mother's first and last name - perhaps she is listed in our database under her maiden name only, and we can't verify.

2 - DISCLAIMER - I am speaking only from speculation here. Our University has not yet moved to the new NPC release figures. However, from my understanding of the way it works, chapters with traditionally higher return rates will be required to release more women earlier in the process than they have done in the past - sometimes after only having met them for a very few minutes. This will make having a recommendation all the more important and will allow the chapter to make a more informed decision based on more than just a 3 minute conversation before releasing someone. I'm not saying we'll ever get to the point where we will only retain PNMs with recommendations, just that those who do have them have a better chance at staying around the chapters who are releasing more women in the early stages of recruitment....

JenMarie 07-25-2005 12:18 PM

I went to a commuter school in NorCal with a then, small/medium sized greek system. I didn't go through formal recruitment entirely, but the application I filled out didn't ask for letters of rec.

Though I did hear about legacies having their relatives write to the chapter. But the application also asked if you had relatives in any of the organizations there.

FSUZeta 07-25-2005 01:23 PM

most panhellenics will say that the pnm does not have to provide the sorority with a recommendation; that it is up to the sorority to get a recommendation for any pnm they are interested in. that is not true. for the most part, if you are going thru recruitment in the south, you should work hard to secure letters of recommendation to each chapter on your campus. i have heard of instances where a girl really made an impression on a chapter and they did not have a rec on her, so the chapter got a local alum to write one for her. i would not depend on that though-so many chapters have to release a certain amount of girls after the first set of parties due to panhellenic requirements. with so many girls being legacies and so many arriving with a full set of recommendations, the ones without recs. might face getting cut(along with those who don't have the gpa)

i have not heard of a recruitment application that asked for letters of recommendation, but many do have a place on them where you are asked if you are a legacy to any sororities. sometimes this information is shared with each chapter(legacy information i mean) . they may be told the specific sorority she is a legacy to or they just may know that she is a legacy.

adpiucf 07-25-2005 03:57 PM

If you are only able to secure an informational-only rec, one per sorority is sufficient.

If you have alumnae clamoring to write you recs, 2 per sorority is appropriate.

But you don't need an info-only AND a more personal at the same chapter.

If you have multiple recs, at least vary the photo and the personal letter that may accompany the rec!

Recs add a lot of paperwork to a chapter. 1-2 are enough! And one only if it is strictly informational from an alumnae panhellenic or a contact who you aren't strongly connected to.

ADPi Conniebama 07-26-2005 05:06 PM

from a new recruitment advisor
I love recs (not info-only recs, but recs from an alum saying things like "I was her teacher in the 3rd grade" or "My brother dates her cousin . . . ") The more I can learn about the recruits the better. And, someone said something about the picture. . . I love pictures. I wish every rec came with a different picture then the picture that the pm's sent in with their recruitment application form.

I had one rec for every sorority at my school. It doesn't matter if you "know which sorority you want" already. Get one for all of the sororities that you can get even if it is an info only rec.

Also, yes If we are interested in a specific PM and they did not send a rec I will go out of my way to secure one. But, what if we don't know anything about the pm and it is between them and a pm with 1 or more recs. . . I wouldn't want to be in that position.

GET RECS if you are going to a southern school.
Also, if you give your input, please say what school you go to or what type (small liberal arts, large southern state, etc.) of school you attend.

I work with the University of North Alabama. Chapter total is 75. Quota is usually around 20 - 25.

aephi alum 07-26-2005 05:42 PM

I attended school in the Northeast... and I don't think my chapter would have known what to do with a rec if we received one. :p Recs are definitely not required for recruitment, but they would make a PNM stand out and indicate that she's planned ahead for recruitment and is serious about joining a sorority. So getting a rec is not required, but it's not wrong either.

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