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Old 06-26-2005, 03:04 PM
carnation carnation is offline
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What Would You Change About Recruitment?

I was thinking about recruitment and things I did and didn't like about it. Now this is going to sound lame, but even as a PNM, I wished that the sororities wouldn't sing songs to all the PNMs as a group about how much they wanted them and of course, it wasn't true. Lines like, "and you're going to wear our (name the shape of the pin)", or "you were meant for ABC", as innocently as they may have been sung, added to the heartbreak of several women when they were cut the next day. As PH advisor, I would see the PNMs' faces when these lines were sung--they would just beam, sure that the line was meant for them.

Does that bother anyone else? Are there other little things that upset you?
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