Thread: Should I rush?
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Old 06-29-2005, 02:41 PM
tunatartare tunatartare is offline
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Originally posted by sugar and spice
This is a really tough situation.

I'm not going to blow sunshine up your butt -- at a competitive Southern school where COR is rare, this probably IS your last chance to join. And while family is important, if your grandma is anything like mine, she would want you to go through recruitment. There is a chance that if you go to visit your grandma that week, you would regret not having the chance to join a sorority for years afterwards.

However, the same could go in reverse -- if you decide to rush that week and you don't ever get to see your grandma again, you may regret THAT for the rest of your life. And as rush is generally a week that requires all of your positive energy and doesn't have a lot of room for distraction, your rush may be affected if you're continually distracted by your grandma's situation (which is absolutely normal!).

I agree that if it's possible, planning a separate trip a little earlier would be the best answer, but if that's not possible, I'm not really sure what to tell you. It's a tough decision either way.
What S&S said is true, however, if your family already isn't supportive of your decision to join a sorority, they would be really upset if you went through rush instead of going with them to see your grandma. If you're a sophomore, from what I understand, at a big, competitive, Southern school, your chances of getting a bid are lower. If I was in the same position, I would go visit my grandma rather than risk upsetting my family.
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