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Old 06-29-2005, 06:31 PM
aephi alum aephi alum is offline
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Crescent City
Posts: 10,018
I so agree about the recommendation letters! I like to tell PNMs that if their recruitment material says "don't worry about recs", cross out the word "don't". Even where recs are not a necessity, it shows that the PNM is proactive and willing to put in an effort.

Another thing I'd change: Make the parties longer, especially where there are fewer sororities. I've seen round 1 parties as short as twenty minutes. That means sororities are making decisions about PNMs based on maybe 10-15 minutes of conversation, maybe a resume, maybe a rec, and maybe the opinions of a sister or two who already know the PNM. And PNMs are making decisions about which sororities to return to based on maybe 10-15 minutes of conversation with maybe 2-3 sisters out of possibly 100+. Longer parties means more exhaustion, but they give the actives and PNMs a better chance to figure out if the match might be there before any cuts are made. (Note that I come from a campus with 5 NPC sororities, so longer parties are not unreasonable.)
AEΦ ... Multa Corda, Una Causa ... Celebrating Over 100 Years of Sisterhood
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