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Old 07-13-2005, 11:11 PM
33girl 33girl is offline
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by sigmaK619
The way you make this sound (whether or not it was intended) makes the girl who is excited about rush feel not welcome on GC. I am frankly tired of people saying "don't ruffle feathers or people on GC will get mad." Let the girl say what she wants to say, she is just looking for advice and for someone to say "you'll make it through recruitment, I know how you feel." Lighten up everyone.
It's honestly not so much regular GCers, most of whom can take criticism of their GLO without having 22 fits. (We are a Panhellenic and realistic bunch) It's more the lurkers who happen by here and freak out because OMG SUSIE SWANSONHEIMER SAID WE WERE TOO BUBBLY WE NEED TO CUT HER NOOOWWWW.

At any rate - ilovebama, DEFINITELY get recs for all the houses - this is at least one thing you can control. Good luck!
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil
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