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Old 08-21-2005, 07:55 PM
aephi alum aephi alum is offline
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Crescent City
Posts: 10,018
It's tough to tell someone they've been rejected. I wish the PXs at my school had received some training/advice/insight into sharing such difficult news. As a PNM, I watched a fellow PNM leave bawling her eyes out after our PX told her, "You didn't get any pref invites, NEXT!" As a PX, I swore I would not be so callous. I did have to tell a couple of PNMs that they'd been released, and I let them know about the possibility of COB (a very good possibility at my school). Fortunately they were ok with being released, and there was so much else going on during FR that they had plenty to do and didn't end up sulking in their dorms.

Do let them know the situation right away: "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you did not receive any invitations / a bid". Let them know what their options are. Be honest about the possibility of COB - tell them if it's a realistic option or not. Same for the option of going through FR again next year - if class standing will work against them, be honest about it.

Don't say, "oh, there are lots of other activities you can get involved in." The PNM came to FR to try to join a social sorority, not student government or a service organization or the swim team.

And for heaven's sake, don't say "there's always AI" !
AEΦ ... Multa Corda, Una Causa ... Celebrating Over 100 Years of Sisterhood
Have no place I can be since I found Serenity, but you can't take the sky from me...
Only those who risk going too far, find out how far they can go.
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