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Old 08-22-2005, 01:23 PM
BBelleADPi BBelleADPi is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 749
I would like to add my two cents worth to this discussion. If I were a young girl that had been cut from rush, I believe I'd want my "mama!" And by that I mean an older alum that would comfort me as well as give advice. I believe I saw a very good suggestion here on Greekchat that bears merit. It was to have one or two alumnae women delegated from each sorority on campus who would be "on call" during rush week. These women would be required to attend a few meetings prior to recruitment that would help them acquire the skills needed during rush week. They would be advised what to say and not to say, how to comfort, and would know the specific facts of COB, snap bidding, etc., on their campus. The sorority Rho Chis would also be available, of course, but I would love to know that there would be several adult women who would love on my baby girl and make sure she had gotten in touch with her family. wasn't alone in the dorm, etc. We all KNOW that cuts take place, that girls are hurt and crushed, yet we provide no outlet to take care of it. How responsible is that? The parties start on time, music is cued, invitations to parties are matched carefully, yet we leave the precious girls who are cut from the socialization process to fend for themselves. How "educated" is that? I feel this concern needs to be given serious thought by the powers that be on national sorority levels, and if not that, than at least by each individual college campus. It doesn't have to be a big PR type thing, but some type of system could, and should, be quietly set in place.
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