Thread: The WEDDING
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Old 10-04-2005, 11:55 AM
preciousjeni preciousjeni is offline
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To all those who were with me from the earliest threads about the madness surrounding my brother's wedding, let me say that everything worked itself out.

I have a WONDERFUL new sister-in-law who has gained tremendous maturity over a very short period of time. I believe the reality of married life finally hit her and I couldn't be more happy.

And, the bridesmaid/groomsman issue was resolved when I became a groomsmaid. I was one of five attendants for my brother's side.

Please send your prayers and good wishes to the couple (they were married this past Saturday). I pray that they have a healthy and happy marriage grounded in the strength of God!!

*Me and my brother, the groom - just before the wedding

P.S. Pay no mind to the date on the picture. My camera is crazy! The date of the wedding was actually October 1, 2005.

(does anyone know how to make the picture smaller??)
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