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Old 10-25-2001, 10:01 PM
ErikaXO ErikaXO is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 406
What an incredible tuition program!!!! There sure isn't anything like that in Ohio, but then Ohio is one of the wealthier states (which is funny because there are some pretty big poor areas!!!) How do the universities afford it? Does Tops actually pay for each student? It's too bad that more big-time corporate sponsors won't step up to the plate and do this kind of thing. If they could find one major corporate sponsor for students for every state, think of the difference it would make. Or even if they did something at the public school level....right now there is over a billion dollars in repairs/etc. needing to be done to the Cleveland Public Schools....if they don't pass their levy, some of these schools will have to close due to code violations and such. What are they going to do?
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