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Old 10-30-2001, 12:40 PM
carnation carnation is offline
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I don't think I told this one...we had a rushee come through the door wearing an orange and purple dress, orange hose, purple shoes, and a huge orange bow in her hair. She socked the rush chairman DeeDee in the arm hard and drawled, "Hi, DayDay, I'm ___ ___ from Altoona, Alabama!"

The rush chairman recovered and so did those of us around her and we got through the party somehow. Even though conversation ceased in each little group she walked by...sisters and rushees were trying to be nice, but her appearance was so shocking that people were just temporarily left speechless!

Auburn had a policy in which each sorority was assigned a group of girls (alphabetically) that they couldn't cut to prevent the heartbreak of being cut by all 14 groups. Guess who was in our no-cut group. Guess who came back dressed as the Star-Spangled Banner...we were so afraid that other rushees would cut us because we hadn't cut her. Shallow, I know, but you have to do what you have to do to get a good pledge class. Many of us had bruised arms all week where she socked us...

ETA 9 years later, lol: I just now realized that I wasn't clear; each sorority had a group of girls that we had to bring back to second parties, no matter what, so that no rushee would be cut by all 14 groups after first parties. We could cut them after second parties.

Last edited by carnation; 07-01-2010 at 09:15 AM.
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