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Old 08-16-2006, 06:31 PM
_Lisa_ _Lisa_ is offline
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Originally Posted by BamaDad
I note that you said the spirl staircase story is "almost" assuredly a rumor. I've heard a million superstition tales in my life, but I must say that is a good one. I understand here are other peculiar tales: a pnm cannot drink or eat any offering of food or beverage while visiting the house, no gum, etc.

I have to include the word "almost". I don't go to school there & I'm not a member of that chapter/sorority. So no, I can't say for sure, but these kinds of rumors float around every recruitment no matter where you go.

And why would a sorority want to have that kind of rumor anyway? If you don't touch the banister you must make an AWESOME member? Yeah-it doesn't work that way.

As for food/beverages that are provided within the house-they're there for the PNM's to enjoy! Especially water during recruitment in the Fall. It most cases its HOT out there. If a PNM wants to drink water I would hope she would take it when offered!

And the no gum thing? I know it probably isn't a "rule" that they can't have gum-but its just common courtesy not to chomp on some gum while trying to talk with someone. If a greek office has an actual rule about it its only to help the PNM's be polite.

Last edited by _Lisa_; 08-16-2006 at 06:34 PM.
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