Thread: Disappointed
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Old 12-19-2001, 05:56 PM
justamom justamom is offline
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hocnsoc-BTW I love your name, like catnhat very Seuss like!

Please don't be disappointed in us, we all are different and have different levels of comfort on certain subjects. One day I may agree wholeheartedly with ABCofNYC and the next day, feel quite the opposite. That is the beauty of GC. I'm a moderate except when it comes to my politics and moral issues. Others more than likely see me as a frump on some issues or perhaps a blathering idiot! THAT'S OK! Tomorrow, I may really be in tune with that same person.

I have been known to hold a grudge, but usually with people who I know on a "real person" basis. I don't hold any grudges here on GC...BUT.. no one has really offended me! I might feel a GREAT degree of "dislike" if someone had attacked me or my belief system without any rhyme or reason.

Keep doing what you are doing, looking for the best in people-EXPECTING the best in people. It works for me. I always root for the underdog, even if the underdog got into that situation all by itself. However, some things just can't work out. Think of it like a great big BOOBOO (pun intended) It forms a scab and starts to heal. If you keep picking at the scab it may form a scar and that won't ever go away.
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