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Old 11-21-2006, 02:58 PM
astralis astralis is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 12
"No Frills" Recruitment - Need advice

For as long as I know of, our campus has had a very eventful recruitment - three nights of water party, skit party, and pref party, each of which had themes, coordinated dress, decorations, and other planned revelry. We've heard about the campuses that have 'no frills' recruitment where girls are basically put in a blank room and educated that way, and we've always been very grateful that we're allowed to do such fun things to entertain our new girls.

Well.. all things must come to an end, right?
Our campus has a new Greek Life Coordinator this year, and he is completely wrecking into our system. Now if we want shirts (be it for fun, for fraternity mixers, for sorority mixers, anything) we must get them approved by (we assume) him. Our fraternities on campus have some rather funny double entendres on their shirts. Sororities don't, but apparently we need to get them approved anyway, just in case.
And now he's introducing a no-frills rush system. We aren't entirely sure the specific changes made, but we know we can't have themes, we can't have unique shirts (must be plain with just our letters) and we aren't allowed to perform a skit anymore.

I'd like opinions, please, from people who have done the no-frills deal before, and people who went through rush in such a system. If anyone has been on a campus that switched over, those opinions would be especially appreciated. Everyone here is quite distraught over the whole situation. I know there are pros and cons for both sides, but right now we're just disappointed.
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