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Old 11-27-2006, 07:40 PM
Sistermadly Sistermadly is offline
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Originally Posted by Drolefille View Post
However misguided, this isn't exactly an uncommon question. It shouldn't be treated as a sign of an unhealthy fixation.
Anytime you reduce 50% of an entire race to their (alleged) sexual prowess, it's an unhealthy fixation. It's objectification. It's reducing them to their body parts, and nothing else.

This is especially touchy for (some, I'm not going to say all) black folks, because these same body parts that (some) white girls get so "unhealthily fixated" on were the same body parts that were/are routinely cut off when black men were/are lynched for supposed "transgressions" with white women.

Maybe it's on us, but when you've got history like that in your back pocket, it's hard to look at this "uncommon question" in a favorable light. She didn't come in here and say "I'm interested in dating a black guy I know, but I don't know how to approach him - can anyone share their experiences", she came in here asking if brothers are swinging their almighty clubs and if they really got it like that. There's a huge difference, and that difference is what some of us are objecting to.

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