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Old 05-14-2007, 11:18 AM
CZAXOTerp CZAXOTerp is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 114
Most of the chapters on my campus did "stringing" it was almost like a scavenger hunt where the big sister would take string or yarn and have notes w/ baskets of presents wrapped all around the inside of the house, the strings would be all intertwined like spiderwebs and go through all 3 levels of the house. At the end of the string the big sister would be waiting for her little.

This was years ago and I know a few chapters didn't do this because some felt it was inappropriate. It was fun though...

In my chapter little sisters always did paddles for their bigs and big's always did pillow cases that said "An AXO angel sleeps here."
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