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Old 05-21-2007, 08:23 PM
dgdramadawg dgdramadawg is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 1,083
At every house during round one I asked if there were any girls in the chapter involved in theatre and/or other time-consuming outside activities. Since I was going to major in it it was important to me to know that I would have time for both in my life. Often it resulted in my being introduced to a drama major/minor or someone who did community theatre (and a couple of times it resulted in "Ew, you do DRAMA?"). Either way it helped me to find out something that was important to me when looking for a fit.

Make sure you find out everything you need to know about finances and other commitments during recruitment. I can't tell you the number of girls I've known who have pledged various houses only to say "Hey wait, it's HOW much?" or "OMG I have to live in the HOUSE?"
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