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Old 07-10-2007, 09:24 AM
carnation carnation is offline
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Question PNMs Being a "Good Fit"

We talk a lot on GC about whether or not a PNM was a 'good fit' for a group. I don't think that's applicable with the big chapters because most are really diverse and when they say they released someone because she wasn't a good fit, it's a euphemism for another reason.

But how do you think chapters define 'a good fit'? The reason I'm asking: I have seen PNMs change so much in their first couple of years and grow to be like their chapters. Some haven't had the advantages that others have had but if someone takes them under their wing, they blossom. I'm not talking, say, about major Goths but maybe about girls from smaller towns. A year in those chapters and those girls might grow to be very much like them.

Or I've known athletic chapters to cut girls because "they're not very athletic". Maybe their school hardly gave them any opportunities to play sports--mine certainly didn't. They could blossom and excel in sports.

I don't think anyone ought to shed their true personality and become a carbon copy. It's just that the phrase 'she wasn't a good fit' bothers me a lot because college freshman are still so unformed and I hate to see them cut for a lame reason, although I do acknowledge that sometimes it's true.
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