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Old 07-10-2007, 10:46 AM
carnation carnation is offline
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I know they sometimes REALLY don't fit, like the girl who went to my school who decided she's a witch and wore long purple robes--and then decided to rush.Or the orange and purple girl I posted about on "Weird Rush Stories". I also know that the 'good fit' line can be used in place of 'we think she'd be happier someplace else' or just 'no way in H'.

I'm having a hard time putting this into words. I can't figure out, especially in a big recruitment, why 'Amanda' gets cut from ABC and 'Ashley' doesn't and they appear to be cut from the same cloth. A few years back, a girl from the next town rushed at an SEC school. She dressed kind of skanky but she wasn't really. Her parents were nice but country. You would figure she wouldn't get a bid from a so-called classy group but she did and as a senior, she's now a very refined woman.

I've seen this kind of thing happen quite a bit but I can't figure out how the sororities decide, "Yeah, this one has some promise, let's go with her," and look at the next one like her and say, "No way," and then decide on the whole that they don't have time to deal with anyone else who doesn't fit their current reputation!

How does anyone decide who has promise? And I wonder if many groups do that or only take people who are like them right now.
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