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Old 02-02-2002, 09:40 PM
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Originally posted by lauren1874
This is going to sound absolutely insane, but I swear it's true! To the best of my knowledge it's on record as an incident with my university. It's also a very long story, so consider yourself forewarned.

Two of my sisters, Melanie and MJ, have been BEST friends since they were really little; they got here and moved in together and went through rush together and both ended up going Sigma Kappa. Well, at rush retreat the summer before our sophomore year started, they were looking at the list of girls going through rush that fall and discovered that there was a girl going through who was going to be sharing an apartment with them (at my school all but two of the residence halls are full apartments with kitchens, bathrooms, at least two bedrooms). So they thought, "cool, maybe she'll go Sigma Kappa and we'll all live together!". The girl's name was Lindsey something.

So they move in, and Lindsey moves in, and it's just the three of them, Melanie and MJ sharing a room and Lindsey by herself in the other room. She makes herself quite a presence, always hanging around them but not saying anything. MJ has a habit of sitting on the bathroom counter in her underwear in the morning putting on her makeup before she gets dressed (she's about 4'11"!) -- Lindsey would get up early, get fully dressed, eat breakfast, and come in the bathroom and just stand there and watch MJ get ready in the mornings. Talk about creepy!

This girl was the kind of girl who you don't stereotypically expect to want to rush -- she was kind of manly, with a really deep, gruff voice, and wore the same flannel shirt and jeans almost every day -- and she didn't seem all that interested in being socially connected with any group of people. But rush she did. She lacked social grace, to say the least, and positive interaction with other human beings didn't seem to be one of her stronger skills. This was back when we still had only three houses on campus -- she was cut from all three the first night. So Melanie and MJ get home that night and the girl is sitting in the living room IN THE DARK. When they open the door she says, in that low voice, "You guys cut me from your fu*king sorority." Melanie and MJ hadn't even rushed her that night -- they explained to her that they'd had nothing to do with it, but she wouldn't hear anything of it. So then she disappeared and they didn't see her for the rest of the week.

Friday, Bid Day, came, and all the sororities were singing and marching down to the chapel for running out the doors. The Dean of Student Affairs stopped Melanie and MJ and told them he needed to speak to them in their apartment immediately. So they go up there and he asks if they've seen Lindsey since Monday. Of course they haven't, and so he proceeds to tell them what's been going on.

Friday morning at about 7:30, when the student center opened, Lindsey had gone down to get breakfast. The woman working at the breakfast bar asked "How are you today?" and Lindsey replied, "Fine. I'm gonna kill my roommates today." The cafeteria lady was like "Ooookay..." and mentally made a note to report the incident. Next Lindsey went to the student information desk to buy stamps, and the girl working there was an ADPi. Lindsey said to her "Do you know Melanie ___ and MJ ___?" The ADPi girl said, "Sure, I do! They are such sweet girls!" Lindsey looked at her for a minute and replied, "They're my roommates. I'm going to kill them today because they cut me from their fu*king sorority." So the ADPi girl reports this as well, and the Dean has two reports that this girl is going to kill her roommates. They cross-reference Melanie and MJ, figure out who the girl is saying this, and find Melanie and MJ and let them know.

So Bid Day goes off without a hitch, and after Sigma Kappa gets back from treating its new members to a night of pizza and bowling, MJ decides to go stay at her boyfriend's house, and Melanie decides to stay at their apartment, since Lindsey has never come back. Melanie goes to bed and locks the door just to be sure.

Now this is the part you won't believe. But I PROMISE it happened!

Melanie wakes up in the middle of the night to hear her doorknob rattling. She's sitting in bed thinking "Oh my GOD, this girl is INSANE!" Finally Lindsey gets the door open and she's standing there in Melanie's room holding a screwdriver. Now, I probably would have sat in bed shaking and contemplating my last moments -- but Melanie jumps out of bed and yells "What the f*ck are you doing, you psycho bitch??" to which Lindsey replies, "I'm going to kill you for cutting me from your f*cking sorority," very calmly, and Melanie screams "F*ck you!" and runs past her and locks her in the bedroom before Lindsey knows what's going on. The campus police ended up taking her away, and she got kicked out of school. Not long after that Melanie and MJ got an apartment OFF campus.

Can you BELIEVE that??? I promise that's a true story!!! It's become a chapter legend.

Oh my god!! I'm glad those two girls are all right!!
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