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Old 02-04-2002, 01:23 AM
AXiD4Life AXiD4Life is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Omaha, NE USA
Posts: 28
This is nothing in comparison to the screwdriver-wielding psycho story, but it's all I've got. This past Rush, a girl went through, I'll call her Amy. Amy was unusual, to say the least. The very first night she managed to insult two sisters and I on three separate incidents. The first incident happened when we were asking the PNM's about themselves and their hobbies. One of the PNM's said that she played the piano, and so I said, "Oh, that's cool. My sister Jen here plays several instruments, you guys have something in common!" to which Amy replied, "Oh, how sweet! You two are both band geeks!" Mahuh? Anyway, trying to blow it off as a bad attempt at a joke, we tried to move on. I tend to talk a little fast when I'm nervous, so she told me that I sounded like I had "too much sugar and not enough sleep." Thanks. Her last slam is escaping my mind at the moment, but the next day when she came back, we were all wearing matching polo's and black pants, and she said, "Why are you all wearing matching outfits? Is this some sort of sorority ritual? Do you guys, like, sit around and watch sappy movies and cry together too? Whatever." Needless to say, Amy got cut and luckily everyone that got insulted by her were able to laugh off her comments!
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