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Old 09-04-2007, 02:53 AM
twinkle555 twinkle555 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: La La Land
Posts: 1,710
Ok, so I have a few...

Story #1!!

There was this PNM who had gone through last fall and didnt get a bid anywhere. she came through again this year and when someone pointed her out to me I couldnt believe she didnt get a bid anywhere. She was really pretty, looked friendly, and had an expensive sundress on (Lilly P.=$$) so i figured maybe she had a bad GPA or something.

Well, by day 3 i guess she was fed up with us and told one of my pledge sisters that "we better drop her before she drops us." she then went on to say that she "knew where she was going." well my pledge sis told the rush chair and she sent in one of the older sisters to "scope her out" and get info out of her. the girl would NOT talk to anyone..but the older sister eventually got her to talk and we found out later that her roomie was an ABC and that she was going to be in the same sorority as her roomie.

She was dropped by everyone before prefs.

Story #2!!

My little sis came through in the spring, so she is pretty unexperienced with the whole recruitment thing. Just so happens that she ends up preffing this cute girl (we'll call her Jane) that told my little that "she really didnt want to be in a sorority because she couldnt afford it." WHAT? seriously? but it gets funnier...

Jane goes on to say that "we had a really cute house and we were all really sweet girls, but she was just going through recruitment to kill time and make friends before school started."

Sooo yea..pretty strange.

gets EVEN funnier...

guess who ended up on our bid list??

yep, Jane.

and guess who didnt show up for bid day??

you guessed it, Jane.
"It's not a house, it's a h o m e."- ΑΟΠ
Recruitment Advisor
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