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Old 09-05-2007, 11:45 PM
Regina Filangie Regina Filangie is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 30
There was thie one girl. She was my hometown (same as a lot of people at my school) and she came to a summer party for incoming freshman that was hosted by current students and alums. The subject of sororities and rushing came up and even though we all had to be neutral at that point we started talking about how great sorority life was and how we encouraged everyone to rush. One girl asked this incoming freshman girl, who had been kind of pitiful looking because she was lurking around not speaking to anyone, if she was rushing. She said "ugh, no way!" then walked away. This is a school in the south where greek life is very big so her comment was a definite glove slap!

So imagine our surprise when she registered for recruitment! She came on the first day wearing a baggy t-shirt and dirty jeans while all the other PNMs were in cute sundresses. She wouldn't talk to any of the actives when they tried to initiate conversation and she kept asking questions like "is it true that you have to sleep with 3 fraternity guys before you can initiate?" It was obvious that she was just trying to get a reaction out of the actives and that she wasn't really serious. But we were all just like "why are you even here?"

Cuts weren't made until the second round so the next day the PNMs attended all the houses again. She was paired with an active who is also from the same hometown and she is just the most genuinely nice person I've ever met. Againt the PNM is wearing a dirty t-shirt and jeans. The active starts making small talk and trying her hardest to engage this girl in conversation, and the PNM says "You don't have to be nice to me. I know you'll just talk s**t about me after I leave and after you cut me I'll never have to see any of you b***es again. I'm just rushing because my mom forced me." I guess her mom was standing right outside pushing her through the door of our house

Needless to say she was cut from every house after that round. When her Rho Chis (one of whom is in my house and a close friend of mine) went to her room to tell her that she had been released from recruitment she said "thank god!" and slammed the door in their face.

But then the weirdest thing was that she tried COB the next spring! My chapter wasn't doing it that year but some of my friends from the other chapters that did said that she came and didn't really say much and was clearly uncomfortable (I wonder why!) But I really do think she wanted to be in a sorority at that point. She had contacted a bunch of girls in her dorm, some of whom were in my house, about COB and apparently seemed dissapointed when she found out that only a couple of the chapters were taking spring members. Obviously she didn't get an informal bid anywhere. All the chapters remembered her and it was just a joke that she came back in the spring after she had been so rude to all of us during formal.

She ended up transferring to a school on the west coast and I always wondered if she tried recruitment at her new school where nobody knew her.

Last edited by Regina Filangie; 09-05-2007 at 11:48 PM.
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