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Old 04-01-2008, 08:05 AM
RaggedyAnn RaggedyAnn is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 1,383
This makes me feel better hearing that. Contact your Education Coaching Team Member/Leader. They will be able to help reinforce this. Perhaps other board members can support you in this as well.

Actually, knight shadow's crash reminds me that there is a really good thread running on favorite service projects. It might even be his fraternity that has it running.

Also, there may be a Sister Circle group that the women could go to to talk about it for Philanthropy Chairs. I don't know how active it is, but it would be worth a post. I know if you/they posted in Discussion, there would be alumnae support for you there.

Is there a local alumnae chapter near you? Perhaps you can reach out to their president and talk to them. They would probably be willing to do a service project with you-especially if they knew the women needed mentoring.
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