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Old 08-22-2008, 04:43 PM
Bluebonnet Mom Bluebonnet Mom is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 16
My thread is having to play catch up due to missed calls and next day calls from my daughter, plus the whole work thing is really putting a crimp in this thread too! Well, she got two invitations back to pref night out of a possible 3 parties They were:


To say she was shocked is an understatement. She really thought Pecan would be the one. This threw her in a tailspin, but she had to get ready for the night's events and didn't have a whole lot of time to think about it. This is how the night went:

Cowgirl - This is the house that rushed her really hard at skit night. Although the evening was special, she was paired with a member who didn't seem terribly interested in her (or at least that's her take on it) She's really confused as to why this would happen at such a late date and doesn't know what to think. She's bothered so much because she really likes some of the girls here.

Stagecoach - This is the house she did not want to return to. She was actually pleasantly surprised here, but she knows in her heart that this is not where she wants to be.

So my daughter decided to suicide for Cowgirl. Although she’s still having doubts about Cowgirl as well because of her rusher’s attitude. I can't say that I'm surprised - I said at the outset that she wouldn't pledge a house just to wear Greek letters. Today is bid day, and before much longer we will know how this all ends! I'm just on pins and needles about this whole experience. Tonight will be a well earned rest.
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