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Old 03-28-2002, 01:12 AM
RockChalk RockChalk is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 294
There are people who are great people but who don't want to be what they perceive Greek to be. Maybe Rock Chalk's friend is one of those people. That doesn't mean they are right about what Greek Life is like, at least most places. But come on, I know there are schools where an arty-looking theater type with funky clothes and a few extra piercings wouldn't even be considered by a sorority.
Thank you FuzzieAlum, that is exactly what I meant. I know at my school, the theater major types would not enjoy sorority life - and no, that is not a bad thing. Different strokes for different folks. Some people just would not enjoy being Greek. That doesn't make them bad people. It doesn't make Greeks bad people. It's just a matter of personal preference.

The story I posted was exactly as it was told to me. Now, since I didn't know her when she rushed, I have no way of verifying this. I just thought it was amusing. And I was not trying to insult Tri-Delta, although in retrospect I realize that I should have left the name out. My apologies.

I also don't see what's so unbelievable about it, especially when compared to the other stories posted on this board.

RockChalk - Greek or non-greek - I think you are talking out of your ass. I'm sorry you are so ignorant about what / who comprises Greek organizations. Someone who is eccentric "in a good way" and involved in theater is hardly an outcast in any GLO. Your friend actually sounds like she would have made a great addition to the organization in that respect. Having gone through rush myself, I encountered a lot of excited, enthusiastic young women - not the preppy fucktards you and your friend seem to think are the norm. Oh - and I don't buy that she said "what would you do if I farted right now" - she probably just said that to you to try to look "cool" or whatever There is no way someone who acted rudely and like an idiot, and asked a very tacky question would get invited back to anything. Quite frankly, it's HER loss that she didn't choose to take rush seriously and it's also yours, that you dont have a clue about what the Greek System entails.
Tridelta4ever, that is the rudest thing anybody has said to me on this board. How dare you say that when you don't even know me? Preppy people are the norm in GLOs at my school - but I understand that each school is different. And no, being preppy isn't necessarily a bad thing either. It's just a style of dress, for crying out loud. However, I don't feel she's missing out by not being Greek - she knew it wasn't right for her and she would have been doing a disservice to herself and the organization by joining one she wasn't totally thrilled about being part of.

By the way, I have met many wonderful men and women who are in Greek organizations and I am even trying to join one right now so please don't tell me that I'm ignorant or that I hate Greeks or that I don't know anything about Greek life. I've been doing my homework, and part of that has been hanging out here at GreekChat, reading your posts and learning about your Greek experiences.

Good grief, people, all I did was post a story I found amusing. I don't see why you all need to jump down my throat.

I think I'll be leaving this place. Obviously I am no longer welcome.
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