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Old 01-08-2009, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by fantASTic View Post
It was highly foolish to recommend she PM the code out. A member should know that GC can and has impacted a recruitment before.
It's only foolish if someone recommended PMing the code with the intent of sabotaging her rush.

If someone suggests PMing the code and that person happens to be A GCer WHO TOOK A FEW YEARS OFF FROM GREEKCHAT, how the hell would she know how GC impacts rush? FWIW, alphagamzetagam and I come from a GC that did not do code names for rush stories. PNMs put themselves out there and still had great outcomes. In a perfect GC world, every rush story would be like curlygurly's.

A pox on you, alphagamzetagam, for your foolish suggestion! Let the flogging commence!
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