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Old 09-30-2009, 07:05 PM
33girl 33girl is offline
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Hotel Oceanview
Posts: 34,495
I don't think this needs to be a sticky at all. A regular thread is more than ample. (I just love when people nominate themselves for stickydom.)

Automatically assuming that smallest group = lowest tier simply is not true at every single college, just as largest group does not always equal top sorority or fraternity. Sometimes the largest group is the subject of derision for "bidding anything that moves." Same with house condition, amount of money, looks, grades, etc. It is truly a campus by campus basis and at many places if you asked why PQR is thought of as the "most popular" group, you couldn't get a concrete answer.

There are some colleges where if you are in what is perceived as a "lower tier" sorority, your social options are significantly curtailed. I won't bump it because it pissed people off, but there was a post on here explaining this concept at UF. It made a lot of people understand why a girl would be wary of joining a not-as-popular group.

But there are also colleges where your social life, regardless of your sorority, is what YOU make it, not what letters you are wearing. If you let your Greek group either hinder you or you coast on its appeal, you're digging your own grave. If you say "I can't go to the Sigma Chi house because I'm an XYZ, and we just don't hang out with them, we aren't good enough" - that's YOUR issue. And if the Sigma Chis do truly believe that, why would you want to hang out with them? Conversely, if you have people asking you out or presenting you with opportunities simply because you're an ABC and they want the prestige of association with an ABC - NOT with you as a person - your life after college is going to be a jumbo box of suck.

Your letters do not define you. You define your letters.
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil
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