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Old 10-15-2009, 09:30 AM
twinkle555 twinkle555 is offline
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Originally Posted by Strawberrygloss View Post
Eh, still not feeling good. But I thought I'd feed your craving

The next day one of my awesome Rho Gam’s gave me my schedule:
1. Barcelona
2. London
3. Rome

I was super excited to have my top three. I really couldn’t picture myself at either Paris or Tokyo, so I wasn’t too upset over losing them and having the break.

Girls chatted about their favorite houses. So many of them absolutely loved Tokyo and Barcelona. I also heard many good things about Los Angeles as well. This made me feel good, because I knew I was basing my decision on where I felt at home, rather than the “tiers.”

Barcelona was so great! I got paired with a girl and we chatted the ENTIRE time. She asked about my mom, and said that she knew I had already gone through, so that made everything a lot less awkward. We just talked and went through the house, but she wasn’t pointing every little thing out, we would go into bedrooms so we could stop and talk even more with out clogging the halls.

London was interesting. I had such a good time earlier, but the girl I had today had a very different sense of humor. We walked around the house but she just showed me the rooms. I tried to start a conversation but she really wasn’t talking to me. She cut me off NUMEROUS times to show me another bedroom. Ugh. I had really enjoyed them the days prior, so I may have just been paired with a bad rusher.

Rome was good. I really liked their actual house, it was definitely my favorite of the day. The girl I had was good too. We had a lot of commonalities. However there were some awkward girls that I really didn’t feel comfortable with.

It was hard choosing between London and Rome. I had truly enjoyed London in the days prior, and didn’t feel so great today. While Rome I felt pretty good in everyday but I wasn’t super excited about the house.

So I ranked them
1. Barcelona
2. London
And I “regretted”
3. Rome

I had like all of them—they were my top three, so if one of them drops me and I get Rome instead, I wouldn’t be upset.
So far so good! Excited for your next post!
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