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Old 03-31-2010, 07:28 PM
Barbie's_Rush Barbie's_Rush is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: The Madam Alexander House
Posts: 898
Originally Posted by poeticlicense View Post
So studying is not a valid reason not to attend a social function? Oh please. My daughter is in sorority and there are social events, including mixers she cannot attend because indeed she is studying, on *gasp* a Saturday night. She is a 3rd year student majoring in Chemical Engineering, so she pretty much studies all the time, including weekends. I cannot believe that I am reading statements like a have read on this thread ragging on girls who choose to study instead of attend a mixer. I thought getting an education was why these girls are in college.
Maybe your "DD" should resign her sorority membership if she needs to study all the time. Chapters do not need ghost members who only wear letters when it is convenient for them. Or maybe she needs to explore other degree options if she's feeling so overwhelmed with the requirements of her current major.

I managed to maintain a high GPA in an extremely difficult degree program without shirking the commitments I made to my sisterhood when I initiated. You find the time for the things you consider worthwhile.
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