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Old 04-24-2010, 12:23 AM
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honeychile honeychile is offline
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The most awesome Bar Mitzvah (actually, B'nai Mitzvah) I've ever heard of was one my friend, Cheryl & her family, attended - three days long, including a night at PNC Park. You can read about it here and here, but the amazing photos are sadly no longer there. Dot Pollon, the boys' mother, contacted a professional party planner, and this part was in the Post-Gazette:

"Sometimes, large parties held after a bar or bat mitzvah can generate major gifts to local charities.

That happened last month when Ms. Chirigos staged a "Field of Dreams" party at PNC Park for three Sewickley brothers -- Aaron, Joshua and Benjamin Pollon. Missy Elliott, backed up by seven hip-hop dancers, sang and invited teenagers up on stage, then later posed for pictures with guests and gave autographs.

Aaron and Joshua Pollon, who are twins, gave all their bar mitzvah money, which their parents matched, to the Pirates Charities for Children and Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Each charity received a check for $15,000 during a presentation on the baseball field.

The twins made the donations because their brother, Benjamin, was born with a disfiguring skin disease and melanoma and later diagnosed with autism.

Aaron and Joshua Pollon wanted to thank the doctors, nurses and therapists who supported Benjamin through 13 years of surgery, Ms. Chirigos said.

The Pollons' party featured fireworks, and because the evening was cold, guests received warm blankets, seat cushions and hats.

"You've got to make people comfortable," Ms. Chirigos said." The paper didn't go into the amazing dinners and lunches held at each venue. Sheetcake's cake was probably there!

Cheryl & I are still close sisters from school, and she's good friends with Dot Pollon from being little sisters together.
~ *~"ADPi"~*~
Proud to be a Macon Magnolia
"He who is not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
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