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Old 07-18-2010, 08:17 PM
33girl 33girl is offline
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Originally Posted by KSUViolet06 View Post
If I remember correctly, there has been discussion on GC of sororities implementing a "Super Legacy" (like some more selective colleges do) system at some of the schools where there are more legacies than 2nd round invites. The Super Legacy = the child of a more involved alumna. She would receive a higher level courtesy than a lesser involved one.

Here's the thread I think it was in:
J, that's the one I thought it was too but then I read it and it wasn't. The one I was thinking of had one of the ADPis commenting on it. Honeychile might remember.

The problems about this concept are so many, though. Who gets the nod between 1) daughter of mom who worked with the chapter and volunteered nationally for 30 years or 2) daughter of Monica Millionaire who never did anything as far as volunteering since she was busy with her work, but who donated $750,000 to the chapter to build a new house. Or what about the rushee whose mom hasn't done any volunteering because mom died when rushee was 6 years old.

With carnation's scenario above - again, back to college choice. Mom knows it's harder to get into Harvard than it is Booboo State. Why on earth would she believe that a school that differs from hers in so many aspects (not to mention the addition of 25-30 years) would have the same sort of rush?
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