Thread: Wedding shoes
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Old 07-27-2010, 10:51 PM
DrPhil DrPhil is offline
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Originally Posted by PeppyGPhiB View Post
We're not doing a bouquet or garter toss either. There will be only a handful of single people at our wedding aside from children, and I wasn't going to embarrass them by making them get up on the dance floor and compete with children for a bouquet/garter.
That's wonderful.

Originally Posted by PeppyGPhiB View Post
But I have a question about the photography thing, DrPhil. You mean your friends don't have the photographer take any photos during the reception? Up here it's common for couples to take the posed shots prior to the wedding, but we certainly have the photographer at the reception, too. My photographer will be with us for eight hours.
One of my friend's photographers was very visible during the reception and he took some awesome photos (he was the best photographer EVER--and he and his crew were cuties). But, the photos that he took once the reception started were informal, meaning the bridal party and attendees weren't prompted or posing. He just went with the flow and did what he was paid royally to do. I didn't even notice the photographers at the other weddings that I attended, so their presence was very informal--and/or they were busy at the open bar.

I make the informal and formal distinction because some people do the awkward thing of taking formal photographer photos during the reception. I remember a wedding years ago where the wedding party was summoned to leave the reception to take photos outside. That was annoying as people had already let their hair down both literally and figuratively. I don't know if the photographer forgot or they had always planned to do it that way.
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