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Old 08-11-2010, 09:26 AM
Alumiyum Alumiyum is offline
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Originally Posted by AXOrushadvisor View Post
I think the picture you send in is really important. I have seen it all in 20+ years. A couple of memorable ones: the girl who sent the picture in that we called the "negative" super, super tan and white blonde hair the photo actually looked like a negative (for all you young gals that is what cameras used before being digital! ha!), girls drinking in their pictures, yes! I guess they have bought into the only thing sororities do is drink and party I'll show them I can hang The best ones are the 8x10 glamour shots that have been airbrushed and look NOTHING like the girl walking through the door. Ditto on the sending of 10 different pictures. Send us one quality picture that looks like you.
We've gotten a few "negatives", which confuses me since they all appeared to be senior portraits and whoever took the pictures should've done something to tone down the contrast. Eesh. One year a girl sent in a picture of herself that had obviously been taken several years before because not only did she appear to be about 13, after looking at it we saw there was one of those little gold stamps in the corner with the studio's name and the year it was taken. She was actually 13 in the photo! Of course, she looked very different when she walked through the door.

The point of the photos is for face recognition, so there's no point in sending in something that isn't what you look like day to day.

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."
Groucho Marx
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