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Old 12-22-2010, 10:15 AM
Alumiyum Alumiyum is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Oh, package deals. I hated those. Pledge classes at my school are at the most about 22-24, but usually more like 15-19. Five girls who will not be separated don't have a good chance of getting what they want. No matter how many times we explained that, these little groups would always pop up. But I have to say, I never saw an entire group like that get into the same chapter...and I also never saw a PNM refuse a bid because her friends didn't get in.

We tried so many times to explain that being in different organizations in no way means you can't be friends. Some of my best friends were Chi Os and DGs while I was active. I'd always point that out. But they never believed us...

ETA: I know of several cases of package deals of 2 or 3 girls where 1 or 2 eventually dropped the sorority because they never really felt they fit in there. It's another reason for PNMs to remember they are individuals, not a herd. Just because your BFF is a perfect fit for XYZ doesn't mean you will be...don't join XYZ just because BFF does.

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."
Groucho Marx

Last edited by Alumiyum; 12-22-2010 at 10:17 AM.
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