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Old 12-24-2010, 08:34 AM
Barbie's_Rush Barbie's_Rush is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: The Madam Alexander House
Posts: 898
Originally Posted by chocoholic1113 View Post
I rushed in September not really knowing anything about sororities, and ended up accepting a bid. I was so excited at the time and really thought it was perfect, but as I’ve gone on I’m very unsure about continuing. I hardly know anyone in my pledge class (and they all seem to be best friends) and I don’t party which a lot of girls do and so I feel out of the loop. I’m still not initiated (it’s in a few weeks) but I just don’t feel like I belong, I feel so different from all of the other girls! I really like my big but don’t think I can really talk to her about this…Can anyone offer any advice or experiences they’ve had?
Everyone in your pledge class is best friends and there isn't a single non-drinker? Unless you have a teeny pledge class, I doubt this is the case. You need to make an effort to get to know everyone.
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