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Old 04-22-2011, 10:46 PM
AOII Angel AOII Angel is offline
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Originally Posted by GreekGirley View Post
A word of caution for the upperclassman quota:

Although it can work to your benefit if you're going to get the same number of freshman and then also get some upperclassmen as a bonus, DO NOT - under ANY circumstances - feel OBLIGATED to carry the 'recommended' number of upperclassmen PNMs to pref if you don't know & love them.

I've seen it happen with disatrous consequences if these are not women you'd be interested in as freshmen, and the only reason you're going to take them is because you can and they don't count towards your freshman quota. Only bring back the ones your chapter LOVES, even it means that you don't "make" upperclassman quota. This is one of those 'quality' over 'quantity' things...not that upperclassmen can't be quality...but, you just really have to be careful.

Make sure their background at your institution or transfer school is a good one. That's where recommendations/sponsors really pay off. You've gotta know what you're getting much more so with upperclassmen because they've already been out in the "real world" for a time and have had the chance to make their own decisions...moreso than a staight-out-of-daddy's-house-freshman.

PAY ATTENTION TO GRADES. That is a HUGE indicator of success on every level once you hit college. And if they've already got a few semesters of college grades under their belts, you'll be able to tell what kind of student they're going to be on your campus. If they come through from a junior college with a 2.0, chances are they'll be on social probation from the time they pledge. Now, I'm not suggesting that you only pledge upperclassmen with 4.0s...just giving some friendly advice because I've been there & seen that before...

Good luck to you.
Yeah, I think every group has their own ways of handling membership selection. Okay!?


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