Thread: SAI Random
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Old 05-10-2011, 02:26 AM
clarinette clarinette is offline
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Posts: 589
Even though not many post here anymore, I just wanted to share this because I feel that it's wonderful.

I have been trying really hard this semester in two classes, and I did better than I expected, but not as well as I wanted. So I started listening to "Roses" by a great rock band called Poets of the Fall. It's not related to SAI, but it always makes me think of my supportive and wonderful sisters.

Just then, I got a notification that I have a new email. The email was SAI-related. I took this as a sign that everything is going to be okay.

I am so glad that I know so many strong, musical women who are beautiful in every sense of the word who accepted me as one of their own.
ΣΑΙ (Vita brevis, ars longa.)
"Part of an artist's job is to affirm life."
"To speak the words that build, that bless and comfort,/To play the harpstrings of loving kindness, tolerance, appreciation, and genuine gratitude..."
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