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Old 06-13-2011, 01:20 PM
DeltaBetaBaby DeltaBetaBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by AOII Angel View Post
The whole confusion now comes when they start shifting quota to maximize placement. This may shift PNMs into different groups. If you're #25 on your #2 choices list and they shift quota to 24, you suddenly end up in your #3 choice...or if they shift up to 26 for quota and you are #26 on your #1 choice's list, you immediately jump to that group. (Using simplistic numbers of course.)
Thanks. I ask a lot of questions about bid matching, RFM, etc. because I do a lot of work in both forecasting and optimization. Bid matching is, effectively, a multiple objective problem, because you want to maximize PNM happiness across all PNM's and chapter happiness across all chapters. That means there has to be a trade-off somewhere, and the one chosen, for whatever historical reason, is that the chapters' preferences trump the PNMs' preferences.

So, in my prior example, I was incorrect. If quota is 10, and Polly PNM is 11, and Suzie PNM is 12 on the bid list, the spot will go to Polly over Suzie, even though this group is Suzie's first choice and Polly's 3rd. So Suzie gains nothing by listing this chapter as her #1, and Polly loses nothing by ranking them 3rd.
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