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Old 08-06-2011, 11:19 AM
33girl 33girl is offline
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Originally Posted by ggforever View Post
This is a bit of a lane swerve but I have a question about what to do with all of the t-shirts my daughter has brought home. I am going to make a double sided quilt with some, but there will still be lots left over. She may wear a few but I see a lot just taking up room in drawers. I could give them to a thrift store, but the thought of someone not in her house wearing her letters makes me cringe. Do I cut them up and throw them away? Or am I just nuts to worry about something like this?
It should. Whatever you do, don't give them to a thrift store.

How about making a second quilt? The chapter could use it as an end of year gift for the sister with the highest GPA or most participation or whatever they want to reward.
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil
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