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Old 10-14-2011, 05:54 PM
newgreekmommy newgreekmommy is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 10
I pulled this from the Ole Miss newspaper -- if anyone's interested:

Girls: 1215 registered for formal recruitment
1073 (88.3% received bids)
942 (77.5% received bids from their "first" choice)

(Interesting though - my daughter and her friends thought it was 1240 - they heard this number repeatedly - so maybe an error in the paper and then the percentages are lower?)

But, assuming the newspaper was correct, these numbers were helped by those houses that exceeded quota - some having as many as 131.

Quota was 117. (With 9 sororities, this says to me that Ole Miss does want to place as many girls as possible)

Boys: 1082 registered for formal recruitment (and it is formal!)
74.3% received bids
762 (70.4% received bids from their "first" choice)

Interesting info re the guys side of things: I have two friends with freshman boys at Ole Miss. They don't know each other. Each of their sons was given a bid (before formal recruitment started) from ABC (the same very large, national frat). Both bids were revoked -- on the last night of recruitment according to the moms. So neither pledged anywhere.

I don't know how guys' recruitment works totally, but I do know they went to all houses, ranked, etc, But, I wanted to share this story and point out their to show that the guys at Ole Miss have it tough, too. If they don't go visit during the summer and really network during the first month of school, it's really hard for them to get plugged in. This message really needs to get out.

And, to continue along the same lines (which I should probably just post on the Frat site), my brother-in-law, a KA from Clemson, was horrified to learn that his recommendation letter to the Bama KA house got there "too late". Even though they had formal rush, all the bids were really already given. My friend's son at UGA didn't get a bid pre-rush since he hadn't signed up yet. So he had to go through formal there and heard frat guys tell the guys "we only have 5 bids left". Luckily, this UGA boy had been going to summer parties and his house was holding a bid for him.

These guys around the south at least need to know that they need to work all summer!
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